
Gears of War Demo coming to Xbox Live Marketplace

Check out the above link to the UK Xbox.com site to see the marketplace content, then look closely at the banner on the page, it says, and I quote "Gears of War Demo". What does this mean!?

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Pay to unlock content of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007

It's normal for games to reward players for their efforts with new content that was previously locked away. In the case of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 this comes in the form of courses, golfers, and player stats. EA has decided that once you've paid for the game you can now pay even more to unlock all the locked extras.

Firstly, it is possible to access all this content through hard work, but in the past work-shy gamers would simply be able to hammer out a few button combos and hey presto, the locked content would miraculously become open to access. EA is saying it's ok to cheat, but you'll have to pay for the privilege.

New Content:
Unlock Golfer - 200 points
Pro Shop - 300 points
Maxed out player - 200 points
Sunday Tiger - 240 points
Unlock Courses - 200 points


Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 07 Review (Xbox 360)

With Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 07, EA made a pretty nice drive that unfortunately hit a divot in the fairway. With its emphasis on realism and the upgraded graphics, it’s the best Tiger game to date, but it fails to trump many aspects of Links, which is several years old now. If you’re a fan of the Tiger series or the superhuman golfer, then definitely pick this one up. Those of you that must play a new golf game this year will need to buy Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 07 too, as Pro Stroke offers little in the way of competition.

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 07 Review (Xbox 360)

The Wii Freezes Too

"Destructoid's Robert Summa and a buddy killed a Wii at the DigitalLife extravaganza in New York City. The Xbox 360 and the PLAYSTATION 3 may freeze, and that's that. But, when the Wii freezes, it sets off air raid sirens!"

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Sony PS3's Online Functionality Explored

Eurogamer had their way with the PlayStation 3's online functionality and console UI and discovered some interesting details other than the fact that everything's free. The UI looks just like the PSP's, there are multiple sign-on identities, and there's a single login for all games. Everything's pretty much on-par with the Xbox 360's online offerings, down to the online store in which you can buy additional content for your PS3. Sony uses real money instead of Microsoft points, so there's no dollars to point conversion needed. The store looks a lot like the Sony Connect Music Store and is much prettier than Microsoft's Marketplace, all thanks to the PS3's built-in browser.

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Explainer: Wii's push, Xbox 360's pull

The information above comes from CompUSA's retail system according to an employee of that company who wished to remain anonymous, 'cept for this link to his or her blog.

The "consumer pays" column shouldn't surprise any of us. What's more interesting is the "retailer pays" column and the subsequent margin percentage (under "retailer keeps"). All else equal, a rational retailer faced with these percentages is going to do a whole lot more to push the Nintendo Wii, because there's more in it for him. Every unit sold will net him higher margin. Though the gross proceeds from each Wii sold are only $12.49 (versus the Xbox 360's $15.78), it's generally a heck of a lot easier to make a $250 sale than a $400 sale.


Valve’s Source Heads to Xbox 360

Valve announced today that its Source middleware engine—the same one used for Half-Life 2—is now available for Xbox 360.A brief statement from Valve said that the Xbox 360 version of the powerful engine would take advantage of the system’s hardware, as well as offer support for Xbox Live.

Next Generation

IGN: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Video Review

Bubble Bobble Boss is a No Show

The new game Bubble Bobble Revolution for the Nintendo DS has a little bug that's kind of an issue. Seems that the boss on level 30 doesn't actually show up - leaving you standing around with nothing to do. Although no boss makes the level easier to play, it makes it impossible to reach the remaining 70 levels. Whoops! :)

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Introducing Gamer Dad

Cowriter of "Xbox 360 for Dummies" has a new column.

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Fight Night Round 3 (PS3) Hi-Res Screenshots

Ten new hi resolution Screenshots from the upcoming PlayStation 3 version of Fight Night Round 3 released by Electronic Arts.

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Xfire to host PS3 online tournaments

Xfire will organise and host multiplayer online tournaments for PlayStation 3 users when the console launches later this year according to Xfire CEO Mike Cassidy.

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First PS3 TV Ad Debuts, Is Really Weird

The first TV ad for the PS3—"The Wait"—is now floating around that damnable Internet and we've really got to hand it to Sony: not only does the ad not tell us a single thing about their upcoming system, but they've somehow managed to create an ad that evokes the same type of feeling you get when you watch the "Daisy" ad and a "say no to drugs" commercial. Bravo. At least there's no melting clocks this time around.


*Rumor* Wii Virtual Console lineup for 2006

Metroid, Zelda, Ecco the Dolphin, Altered Beast, ToeJam and Earl, Super Mario 64, Sonic, Bonk's Adventure, Golden Axe, Columns, Ristar, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World.

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GameSpot: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Review "XBOX"

Tiger Woods 07 is a heck of game, but it's so similar to last year's version that the question "Does this game really need to be a yearly release?" should be asked. You get a few new golfers and courses, as well as a few more control and difficulty options, but the whole package is roughly the equivalent of an expansion disc. If you own Tiger Woods 06, there's little reason to pick up Tiger Woods 07, unless you're just dying for new content, minimal as it may be. That said, if you've never played a Tiger Woods game before, or you've been away from the series for a few years, Tiger Woods 07 is well worth a purchase.

Xbox Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Review