
Costco sells out, restocks, and sells out Xbox 360 Elites again

The Xbox 360 Elite certainly seems to be selling well for a console many said would fail due to it's price tag and redundancy considering it brings almost nothing new to the Xbox 360, outside HDMI. Well, apparently a whole lot of people want HDMI. Or like the color black. Or both.

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EA creates Virtual Fight De La Hoya vs. Mayweather (real fight 5/5/07)

"Our friends at EA Sports created an entire virtual fight (voiced by Brian Kenny) between the two combatants incorporating the scouting report below to give a complete picture of how it will go down." This is based on 79 fights in all, 552 rounds of boxing, and 27 hours of ring action. Read on to see "How it will all go down and why."

Video: portable lifts and turrets in Halo 3!

"The Bungie ninjas must be having a tough day today. After 5 Halo 3 videos were leaked earlier today, we've found yet another video. What's more, this video confirms two brand new items in Halo 3. First, the portable gravity lift is a reality. Second, Halo 3 will feature portable turrets. The video above shows both items in action..."

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Leaked Halo 3 video bonanza!

If Halo 3 were a boat, it would be nestled comfortably at the bottom of the sea right now. You see, we're talking about leaks. A YouTube user by the name of bipchizzle has posted several new videos of the Halo 3 beta. The quality isn't fantastic (he was using a Vision Camera) but we do get a halfway decent look at some weapons (including the new M6G pistol) and a brand new level called Epitiah (perhaps a misspelling of Epitaph?). As an added bonus, the video embedded above actually features Major Nelson! We've embedded the other videos after the break. Please note that these videos use some salty language, so turn off the sound if you have sensitive ears or if you're at work. Get 'em while the gettin's good. We've still got an hour or so before people start waking up in Redmond.

Transformers trailer

"Activision released this first trailer of the game adapted from the movie itself loosely based on the Transformers universe. And while the robots certainly don't look much like the old ones, it still could be a fun movie. As for the game, I'll let you discover it by yourself."

Gears of War Multiplayer Map Pack 2

"Name: 'Hidden Fronts' Multiplayer Map Pack 2
Price: 800 Points
Availability: Not available in Germany
Dash Details: Get ready to enhance your Gears of War multiplayer experience. Download the four new maps today, including: || Bullet Marsh: In this Kryll-infested swamp, an old generator still powers the area lights. A few stray bullets could easily knock out the generator, leaving players in the dark to fend for themselves against the hungry Kryll. || Garden: This overgrown and crumbling conservatory still has a working fertilization and pesticide system. This system can pose a serious health hazard to anyone who ventures into the greenhouse without first venting the air. || Process: Teams must fight for control of this subterranean Imulsion processing plant, still active despite the cessation of the Pendulum Wars. || Subway: Timgad’s Central Subway Station used to serve as a central hub for commuters. Now the tunnels are crawling with Locust."

Guitar Hero II Video Contest and National Tournament

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Play N Trade Franchise, Inc., one of the fastest-growing franchises worldwide, today announced the launch of its first National Guitar Hero II™ video contest and live-in store national tournament.

From now until June 16, consumers are invited to submit their Guitar Hero rock videos to YouTube at www.youtube.com/pntgame for a chance to win an Xbox 360 Guitar Hero bundle or a $50 Play N Trade in-store gift card, and have their video posted to the Play N Trade Web site.

“User-generated online content continues to grow in popularity, and the Play N Trade video contest is a great opportunity for Guitar Hero fans to show off their playing prowess and creativity and win cool prizes,” said Yuvi Shmul, CEO of Play N Trade.

Local rounds of the Guitar Hero II tournament will be held on June 16 at participating Play N Trade stores across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. On June 23, local winners will compete for the title of Play N Trade National Guitar Hero II Champion by playing “Free Bird” at the “expert” level on an Xbox 360. Local winners will be determined by single elimination in the best two out of three matches, and the national champion will be determined by points.

“Guitar Hero has a huge fan base and is one of the best-selling games in the country because it is as much fun to watch as it is to play,” Shmul said. “Contestants in the Play N Trade Guitar Hero II tournament can live out their rock star fantasy in front of their friends, fans and family for the chance to be crowned national champion.”

Local winners will receive a $100 in-store gift card and a “Guitar Hero Champion” T-shirt. The Play N Trade National Guitar Hero II winner will receive a multiplayer Xbox 360 Guitar Hero bundle and a $500 in-store gift card.

User-generated videos must be less than four minutes long and feature someone playing a Guitar Hero guitar. For more details on video submission rules, please visit www.pntgame.com/contest/pnthero.

Registration for the Guitar Hero II tournament is now open. The entry fee is $10 until June 16, when it will be $15. Contestants who come to play in full costume will receive a $5 in-store gift card for merchandise only.

The registration form and contest details are available online at www.playntrade.com/contest or at any participating Play N Trade video game store.

Bungie Contest: Design a Halo 3 emblem

Were the emblems in Halo 2 not to your liking? Did you settle with the Marathon logo over a smooth gradient and say, "I can doodle better than these hacks!" First off, David Candland isn't a hack, he just really likes baseball caps. Secondly -- good news, everyone! See what it is inside...

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