
Hitman Movie Trailer

The first teaser trailer for the Hitman movie will debut with Die Hard 4.0, which opens in U.S. theatres tomorrow. But you don't have to go to see Die Hard 4 (although we encourage you to see the movie) to watch the Hitman teaser, which you can find right after the ad break.

Hitman Movie Trailer - Xbox

Images of NHL 2K8 - Xboxyde

Images of NHL 2K8 - Xboxyde: "It's hard to focus any hype on winter games sunny days like this, but here are at least the first images of NHL 2K8. After playing NHL 07 and then trying out 2K7, I realized how deep of an impact the new control scheme EA created had. And it seems like 2K will stick to the old scheme this year too, but not that many details are out yet."

NHL 08 images - Xboxyde

NHL 08 images - Xboxyde: "The NHL Entry draft event took place this weekend, giving many youth players a brighter future (congrats US for top-2). A couple of new team jerseys were also revealed during the event, and EA wasn't late to show how they look in their new game. EA are also putting online one new image per day on the official site, and included here are also half of those images (with the rest to be released the next two weeks)."

Nintendo officially worth more than Sony

Early Monday morning during trading, Nintendo share prices rose just enough for the company's overall market value to surpass that of Sony, making Nintendo one of Japan's Top 10 companies in market share for the first time.

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Xbox.com [visually] being overhauled.. tomorrow!

The web team at Xbox has been busy working on a redesign for Xbox.com that is going to go live Tuesday. While there are no new features in this update (it’s just a visual redesign) there are a couple of things worth mentioning: A new look for all of the content pages, redesigned navigation, new search, etc.

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Build your own game console kit

ThinkGeek is selling this sweet-looking DIY video-game console kit for $200. So, if you're going to spend the summer indoors getting pasty, at least you can learn a trade.

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