
Xbox Backwards Compatibility Update

There is a backwards compatibility update now available over Xbox Live. This free update brings the complete list of original Xbox games that you can play on your Xbox 360 to almost 300.

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360 goes live in India

Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division today announced the launch of its India website www.xbox.com/in for the Indian Xbox 360 enthusiasts.

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Gamers grumble at pricey Sony consoles

The price of the upcoming PlayStation 3 from market leader Sony continues to be tough for some hard-core video gamers to swallow, at least judging from the buzz at the Penny Arcade Expo in Bellevue over the weekend.

Sony announced plans this spring to charge $499 and $599 for two versions of the console, slated for a November release.

"That's just nuts, and they need to understand that it's nuts," said Penny Arcade comic strip writer Jerry Holkins, eliciting loud cheers in response to a question during one conference session. The strip's artist, Mike Krahulik, said they don't plan to buy the console at launch because of the price.

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