
IGN: NHL 2K7 Review 8.9 out of 10

NHL 2K7 is the total package. The gameplay is solid and smooth even if it is still very similar to older titles in the franchise. Visually, 2K Sports harnesses the power of the 360, resulting in excellent animations, frame-rate and great-looking cutscenes. The new Cinemotion presentation, while not a giant leap forward, is a great touch that gives you the choice between TV broadcast and inspirational hockey movie. The dynamic score works well enough, although it could be a bit louder. The crowd noise is a bit of a disappointment and hurts the overall atmosphere. Online, 2K Sports continues to lead the pack with online leagues and franchises and stat tracking. While NHL 07 features an excellent gameplay innovation with the skill stick, NHL 2K7 is the most complete, all-around hockey title on the 360.


Call of Duty 2 is first game to sell 1M units on Xbox 360

Activision announced today that Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360 (average review score of 90%) has sold over a million copies in the US making it the first game to do so on Microsoft's next-gen platform. The World War II first-person shooter was a system launch title in November of 2005, and while it may be the first game to reach the one million unit milestone, Wikipedia also recognizes Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion as performing the same feat in less time.


2nd Generation iPod Shuffle

Apple has just announced that the iPod shuffle has entered its 2nd generation, and is now the size of the apple radio remote!!

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Nudity, Drugs Invade Xbox 360 Uno

Reader Aaron sends word of a disturbing run-in he and his young nephew had during a game of Xbox 360 Uno. Aaron says he allowed his nephew to play Uno while visiting, because the child's mother told him specifically to allow him to "play a game that wouldn't make him hyper or want to have bad dreams."

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$50 Off Platinum Xbox 360 System

CompUSA is featuring a $50 mail-in-rebate for the Xbox 360 Platinum Edition. This is the super bundle that comes with a wireless controller, headset, hard drive, component cables, etc. Fitty bones is fitty bones, mang, and the 360 is the shizzle, fo' dizzle.


Shippin' Out 9/11-9/15: Hockey, Lego Star Wars, Mario Hoops

Gamers can go from chucking pigskin to throwing octopi this week, with two new hockey releases preparing to cash in on the beginning of the professional hockey season in early October. Electronic Arts is releasing NHL 07 for the Xbox 360, Xbox, PlayStation 2, PC, and PlayStation Portable, and 2K Sports is shipping out NHL 2K7 for the Xbox 360 and Xbox (a PlayStation 2 version is due later this month).


Sony's Answer to Xbox Live Revealed

Microsoft's Xbox Live has existed since 2002. How will Sony, who has never had a dedicated and successful online program in the console space -- the PS2's online was a total free for all -- compete with Microsoft's nearly four-year lead in the online console gaming service sphere?

They'll use Xfire, that's how (the image to the right is a mock-up)
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MGS4: Get the Latest Trailer in HD

Well lookie what we have here. The short wait for the Games Convention 2006 trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots we promised you is now over, so get your download fired up for this stunning 720p WMV HD file.

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Rumor: DC Comics vs Street Fighter game in the works

Supposedly Capcom has a new "versus" fighter in the works that will be similar to the popular Marvel vs Capcom series, but will feature characters from DC Comics.

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Interview With Man Behind the XBox 360 Laptop

racketboy interviews Benjamin J. Heckendorn (Ben Heck), the famous console hacker that fit an XBox 360 into a laptop form factor

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The Top 10 Worst XBOX 360 Achievements!

This article takes a funny look at the top 10 worst Xbox360 in-game achievements, and what gamers have to do to get the gamerpoints. An amusing read for sure!

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BioShock Screenshots

BioShock is an innovative role-playing shooter from Irrational Games who was named IGN's 2005 Developer of the Year. Sequel to System Shock 2, BioShock immerses players into a war-torn underwater utopia, where mankind has abandoned their humanity in their quest for perfection.


IGN: NHL 07 Video Review

Throughout the years, videogame hockey has boiled down to a simple gameplay formula. While graphics and sound and online play have made marked improvements, the innovations on the gameplay side have been minor, and many a hockey fan will tell you that NHL 94 remains the greatest hockey game of all time. Some will even refer to the NES classic Ice Hockey.


Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic is back with 14 more screens. Do you remember the whale? Blue Sky design is coming again! ;)


Could We See $150 Wii?

This scan from Vibe magazine has been making the rounds today. Are they just pulling this price out of their ass, or did they get some info we didn't? Nintendo will be announcing the Wii price point this Thursday at press events in all three regions, so at any rate it won't be long now.
