Xbox 360 Selling Like Hotcakes in Japan, Thanks to CHEAP Blue Dragon Bundle
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The gaming gurus over at GameSpot have today bravely (or foolishly) thrust their heads into the hornets’ nest that is the world of the fanboy by running a detailed graphics comparison on a selection of cross platform titles available on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
It had to happen really, the Sony faithful have been lauding the superior power of the PS3’s Cell chip for so long that it perhaps stands to reason that GameSpot would strive to illustrate that belief on their behalf. Yet, that hasn’t happened, and the Xbox 360 fan base may wish to sharpen their tongues seeing as GameSpot’s graphical investigation, if anything, proves that an extra year of hardware development while relentlessly—and publicly—oiling its brand muscle has left Sony with inferior performance and a higher cost price. Oh dear.
The direct comparison of games such as Fight Night Round 3, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, Call of Duty 3, Madden 07, and Need for Speed: Carbon, reveals that the Xbox 360 generally performs better than the PS3 in lighting, texturing, and even framerates.
Don’t believe us, Sony fans? Spitting in shocked derision? Happy as a pig rolling in the brown stuff? Check out the feature HERE.
Xbox 360 winning graphics warWe expected the PlayStation 3 to ship with several games that first appeared on the Xbox 360, similar to how the Xbox 360 had a lot of Xbox ports at launch. And the PS3 did indeed arrive with a good number of games that originally shipped for the Xbox 360. This gave us the perfect opportunity to compare the graphics on both systems with several cross-platform games. You'd think that the PS3 versions would be exactly the same or slightly superior to the Xbox 360 versions, since many of these games appeared on the 360 months ago, but it seems like developers didn't use the extra time to polish up the graphics for the PS3. We found that the Xbox 360 actually had better graphics in the majority of the games we compared.