
MLB 2K7 Xbox 360 Preview

MLB 2K7 Preview: "After a long, six month, stamina-sapping 162-game season, followed by another month of playoffs, baseball fans should be edified. But as soon as the World Series' last out is recorded, the fans of the 28 teams that didn't win start daydreaming of a better future. Then free agency begins -- rumors swirl as the Hot Stove heats up, and so much money gets dished around that 21 million dollars seems cheap.

After the big name free-agents fly off the board, there's a lull around New Year's. Time slows to a cruel crawl until spring training opens up and we finally get to see these big names in new unis."

New The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles Screenshots

TeamXbox: "The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles is the official expansion for Oblivion – the 2006 RPG and Game of the Year. It features more than 30 hours of new gameplay as you are sent to explore an entirely new plane of Oblivion – the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.

Shivering Isles adds to the existing world of Oblivion, so you can continue playing with your existing save game/character, or create an all new character just to explore the new content in Shivering Isles. New creatures, weapons, armor, ingredients, branching questlines, and more await in the land of Mania and Dementia. "

Images of Virtua Fighter 5

Xboxyde: "Sega released these four images of Virtua Fighter 5, to be released next month on Playstation 3 (next week in the US). The Xbox 360 version is still many months away, so these screenshots are probably from the PS3 version."

Introducing the Halo 3 Beta Leaderboard/List

Xbox 360 Fanboy: "So, Phase 1 and 2 of the Halo 3 beta have closed, with most of us getting in. We even know that parties and matchmaking will be available, so you'll be able to play with your friends. A bunch of you readers left comments about getting in and wanted to exchange gamertags with those who were in the same boat. While we were busy throwing paper airplanes around the office here at Fanboy Towers, the idea came about to put together a comprehensive list of gamertags of beta participants. Better yet, we'll leave all the hard work to you, dear reader. If you're in the Halo 3 beta, sign up at our fancy schmancy custom leaderboard. We ask that those relying on Crackdown's invites to please only put your tag on the list after you've nabbed yourself a copy of the game. While you're at it, if you haven't added yourself to either of our standard leaderboards, feel free to do so now."

Is the Wii the future of voting?

Nintendo Co. Ltd. has added a new online channel to its Wii Menu that it calls Everybody Votes.

Wii owners with an internet-connected console will be able to vote in unscientific global and regional online polls through the channel on subjects that range from the topical to the humorous.

Could this be the thin edge of the wedge for online voting?

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Date the 360, Marry the Wii, Kill the PS3?

In the current generation console war, who would you marry, date, and kill? Here is what the Motley Fool had to say about the warfare, and why they picked the distribution listed in the title. An interesting opinion piece based on the financial situation for each console. read more

This week in Video Marketplace

Xbox 360 Fanboy: "Xbox.com's TriXie posted this week's Video Marketplace update, and it brings a bunch of new Reality Television shows into the fold. Unfortunately, only one TV download (albeit temporarily free), Jericho's recap, is available in High Definition. Employee of the Month is the lone HD movie of the five films added. Hopefully we'll get some more HD lovin' soon. Full list of the titles available after the break.

New TV Shows

• Star Trek: The Original Series, Season 3
• NASCAR Rewinds
• Celebrity Paranormal
• Rob & Big
• Disorderly Conduct
• Pimp My Ride – Season 3
• Yo Momma
• Jericho Recap (2/16, Free until 2/21) (HD Available)
• Gauntlet
• Trucks
• Horsepower
• Breaking Bonaduce

New Feature Films

• Private Parts (Horror Film from 1972, not Howard Stern's Private Parts)
• Shaft (2000)
• Disclosure
• The Dead Zone
• Employee of the Month (HD)

Promos & Trailers
• Zodiac Free Trailer
• 300 Free Trailer
• New Artist of the Month – 2nd Video 'Good Charlotte'

Halo 3 Beta - FAQs and more

Xboxic: "Still unsure of how exactly the Halo 3 beta will function? If so, this is the definitive set of FAQs for you. KPaul over at Bungie has kindly taken the time to answer the most common questions and we have the answers.

Four new GRAW 2 videos on Marketplace

Xbox 360 Fanboy: "Major Nelson just posted an Xbox Live Marketplace update about four new gameplay videos for Ubisoft's Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2 on Marketplace. The flavors to choose from feature the new sniper rifle, air strike command, squad tactics and gatling gun mounted on the helicopter. They are available in 480p and 720p, and average about 30 MB and 160 MB, respectively. The sniper trailer appears to be the shortest, as its size is 9 MB and 40 MB. In any case, these videos should help shed some light on features you couldn't pick up from the demo."

Homecourt on 360 beats PS3's visuals

Xbox 360 Fanboy: "Game Informer's March issue's review of the cross platform, 1080p native basketball game NBA Street: Homecourt makes a comparison in the graphics department between the two consoles. They clearly state that while the game looks stunning regardless, the Xbox 360 edges out the PS3. Similar results can be found for the PS3 review of F.E.A.R. in the very same issue. So, those are two games that go in Xbox 360's favor, but we'll have to see how things go as future cross-platform games release. In most cases, the games will probably be nearly identical, and it will be up purely to your personal preference, give or take $200. What upcoming multi-platform games are you curious about the comparisons for?"

It's alive! GRAW 2 official site is up

Xbox 360 Fanboy: "Fanboys, just a heads up that the official website for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 is up and running. At the site you'll have access to all kinds of GRAW 2 media, screenshots, news, and the official forums to troll around. Oh yeah! There are also a few GRAW 2 wallpapers to make your desktop all spiffy n' stuff. As everyone knows, Ubisoft's announcement of the official website is just one more step towards the March release date and we wonder how much hype there is surrounding this sequel. Are you GRAW fans even more excited for the sequel or will you be saving your pennies for this year's other blockbuster titles?"