Madden NFL 07 brings back practically every feature that was in Madden 06 (not a tough feat, considering how little there was to the package), as well as the superstar mode, which was heavily featured in the other console versions of Madden 06 but was absent in the 360 version. On top of that, a number of new gameplay upgrades have been brought to the table, the majority of which are available in all versions of the game. Read More...
Madden is to sports games as Ricky Williams is to the sticky icky, you just can't think of one without the other. In fact, the day Madden ships to stores probably costs the American workforce millions of dollars as thousands of people across the country call in sick to play hours upon hours of this phenomenon known as polygonal pigskin. But is it worth the hype? Read More...
A review of Madden NFL 07 for the Xbox 360 is like a critic giving an early opinion of a Star Wars movie; people are going to pay their entry fee regardless of what is said by the experts. Read More...
Live from Leipzig, I just had a few minutes to share with you these six new images of Lost Planet, as beautiful as ever. We hope to see more of the game in the coming days. Stay tuned. Xboxyde Images...
Molyneux questions value of motion-sensing controllers
"Speaking at the Leipzig GCDC, Lionhead's Peter Molyneux has warned that motion-sensing controllers such as the Wii remote could leave gamers exhausted unless developers think creatively." Read More...
Crysis is one of these games. In this video interview the president of Crytek is telling at this moment, in this form it won't be released on other platforms then PC also because it would be technically hard and scattered resources, but with the new information from ATI and DX10 for XBOX 360 that could all change. Read More....
Idiots steal games from Walmart and sell them to the Gamestop next door.
FTA - These two young men from Berryville, Arkansas, have been charged with theft by the Berryville Police Department. They allegedly stole $1,200 worth of video games from the local Wal-Mart and then tried to sell the hot loot to a GameStop next door. read more...
Free Xbox 360 Game - But Only For The Next 48 Hours
Heads up! Microsoft is giving one away, but only for 48 hours. This Wednesday and Thursday, Texas Hold 'Em will be a free download on Xbox Live complete with multiplayer tournaments and a persistant bankroll. After Thursday, it will cost you 800 M$ Points. read more....
Electronic Arts' official blog for the game says the playable trial version of its pucks game is already up on the Marketplace; Marketplace disagrees. read more....
First screenshots from the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions are rather disturbing! Is it just me or do the PS3 shots look a lot less sharp? Of course it is possible that they made an error in the way they took these shots, but bear in mind the source is the official F.E.A.R. PR firm and they sent these screens to us to promote the game. Judge for yourself read more
Electronic Arts Announces Battlefield: Bad Company for Xbox360 and PS3
The game is being developed in partnership with Sweden-based Digital Illusions, and will ship for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2007. It will be based upon a group of renegade soldiers that are dropped behind enemy lines. EA comments it will feature "Dark Humor" and an enviornment that is fully destructable.
Wired thinks it is all doom and gloom because Sony is fixated on hardware and does not have a footing in a networked world. It seems It seems Sony just does not make cool products for the century we live in.
Crysis new multiplayer details, missions can last up to 10 hours!
Upcoming PC FPS game Crysis, will be released in the fourth quarter of 2006, and Crytek has released new information about the multiplayer. Along with news that some missions can go on for up to TEN hours!
While the realms are still down, you can start downloading 1.12 now. Cross realm battlegrounds, world PvP, Rogue talent review, and, more await you in this patch. Prepare to lose what ever life you thought you had.