"You've surely heard of World of Warcraft players shunning work, family, responsibility, and drinking water for the love of the game, but if you're not up on your 'dual-boxing' as I was, keep reading. Dual-boxing is act of controlling two characters in an MMO simultaneously. Of course, there's multi-boxing, when just two won't do. As seen above, a pair of triple-boxers working in tandem can yield efficient raiding results. Therefore, why not take it to the next level? And then a dozen levels higher? How about simultaneously controlling 23-characters while your girlfriend also manages 23?
Right now you're probably asking yourself 'Girlfriend?' That or, 'WTF?!' According to a poster on the Dual-Boxing.com forums, he and his partner are running a 47 computer set up when they get their WoW on, including one server to control the madness."