
WoW: 2 People, 47 PCs, 46 WoW Accounts, No Life - Kotaku


"You've surely heard of World of Warcraft players shunning work, family, responsibility, and drinking water for the love of the game, but if you're not up on your 'dual-boxing' as I was, keep reading. Dual-boxing is act of controlling two characters in an MMO simultaneously. Of course, there's multi-boxing, when just two won't do. As seen above, a pair of triple-boxers working in tandem can yield efficient raiding results. Therefore, why not take it to the next level? And then a dozen levels higher? How about simultaneously controlling 23-characters while your girlfriend also manages 23?

Right now you're probably asking yourself 'Girlfriend?' That or, 'WTF?!' According to a poster on the Dual-Boxing.com forums, he and his partner are running a 47 computer set up when they get their WoW on, including one server to control the madness."

Microsoft misses 12 million Xbox 360 shipment target

Microsoft said it won't be hitting its worldwide Xbox 360 shipment target of 12 million for the fiscal year that ended June 30. This is the second time the company has dropped its target this year originally reducing it from 13-15 million.

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Gears of War PC glimpsed in video

Footage of Epic's Gears of War for PC, complete with new content, hit the web in an instant and then vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

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PS3 price drop already in effect? Target store sells today at $499.99

A PS3Fanboy reader bought a 60GB PS3 today for $499.99 at a Target store. We have confirmed with the store that the price was correct. Is the price drop already in effect? We call more stores to make sure.

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