
Atari 2600 Plug and Play Keychains

Each keychain has a secret - they contain real games. Plug in the included 6 foot cable (on a battery powered reel) into the keychain and your TV , and you really can enjoy the games of yesteryear. Yes, you read that right: these keychains contain real Atari games, and are fully playable!


Announcing Splinter Cell: Double Agent for Wii Launch!

Pictures and first details included.

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Wii - The Wiimote is just begging to be modded, imagine the possibilities!

Now that we got a preview of the official add-ons like the new steering wheel and the gun, just think of what other official peripherals are on the way... no better yet, think of what the modding community are going to be doing with it! The Resident Evile Chainsaw controller better look out! What's your idea?

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Retro News: Midnight Madness Indeed! Dreamcast Hits Stores!

September 9, 1999 - Well, gang, as I'm sure many of you are more than aware of, today's the big day. 9.9.99. The Dreamcast has hit store shelves across the country. Here in the bay area, Sega held a special launch event at the Software Etc. in San Jose, California, and upon arriving at the store, we knew were in for something special.


PS3 - Call of Duty 3 Video

Midway Stand-Up Arcade Cabinet

Any geek over the age of say, 28, will remember how it felt to play these old-timey arcade games at the arcade. Since arcades are a dying breed, and none of them actually have these old games for you to relive your seemlingly wonderful childhood,your only choice is to pick up this Big Electronics Games Stand-Up Arcade Console loaded with Midway games.

The games: Rampage, Defender, Defender II, Robotron: 2084, Joust, Bubbles, Splat!, Sinistar, Root Beer Tapper, Wizard of Wor, Timber and Satan's Hollow. Your price is $449, which includes FREE shipping. That'll save you at least $50 to $100 if this heavy mother wasn't shipped free. Now you and your married friends can do something else they come over, instead of just complain about your wives—complain about your wives while playing Joust.


Toshiba DS?

It's hard to describe what exactly this device is, but it obviously falls into a lot of categories. First and foremost, it has two screens, at least one of which is a touchscreen meant to replace the keyboard. Not much other information is know. It runs Windows CE, has a slot for SD and is pretty portable. This thing could either flop or be the next big thing, but I'm predicting a flop.

Oh, and Toshiba—Nintendo called. They want their idea back.


Xbox Lands Knockout Punch On SONY

Retail sources in the UK have told GamesIndustry.biz that Microsoft has intimated to them that the HD-DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 will be priced such that console and peripheral combined are cheaper than Sony's PS3.

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Very first PS3 commercial

At last, SONY's marketing machine is moving forward and the first act is this 3 minutes and 20 seconds short (5 more to come). The object of this film is to cover the "Real-time" aspect of the console, in fact it is more about the benefits of a non-scripted AI.
A short clip of "Resistance - Fall of men" is shown at the end of the video, and yes it is worth it!


Microsoft Shuts Down Fan Halo RTS Project

Halogen, an unofficial attempt to make a real-time strategy game based on the Halo universe, has been asked by Microsoft to cease development on the grounds that they are infringing on Bungie Studios' intellectual property.

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Xbox 360 HD-DVD bundle to undercut PS3 in Europe

According to GamesIndustry.biz, "retail sources" have suggested that Microsoft will bundle the Premium Xbox 360 unit with a HD-DVD drive for under £400/€589 ($750), and apparently as low as £375/€552 ($700). By comparison, PlayStation 3 (Premium SKU) is expected to retail for £425 ($800) in the UK.


GameExpert's PSP Portable Theater

Companies try to come up with clever names to disguise what their lowly products truly are, so it's with great joy that we present the GameExpert Portable Home Theater for the PSP. Misleading name aside, the Portable Home Theater is little more than a dock with built-in speakers and a tiny subwoofer. It does, however, have that neat-o blue color effect thing feature.


LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy for Xbox Review

The gameplay hasn't changed dramatically, but better source material makes Lego Star Wars II a better game than its predecessor.


FIFA 07 Media

From the first whistle, FIFA 07 throws you into the rollercoaster ride of the soccer season as fans of the franchise live out the intense stadium atmosphere of every home and away match when it ships to stores in North America on October 3, 2006.
