
Two videos of Overlord

"Codemasters released these two videos of Overlord, the first one being your average but nice trailer, and the other showing some interactions between the Overlord and his minions."

Shadowrun demo IS available!

Update: Whoo! That was close. Shadowrun now appears under "New Arrivals" .

Silly Microsoft. The Shadowrun demo IS available for download off Marketplace right now. It weighs in at about 1.07 GB, which is similar to the beta's size, and can be found under "all Game Demos". It's got the "New" tag when selected, but for whatever reason, has been neglected to be added to the "New Arrivals" section, which has a couple more pieces of content we're in the process of reporting on. Scroll down and get it now!

Fraggin': Xbox Controller Makes Iraq Like a Video Game with No Respawns - Gizmodo

army_xbox360.jpgApparently, being really good at gaming on your Xbox 360 might prepare you for more than a lonely life in your basement yelling at 13-year-olds while wearing a headset. According to this photo, soldiers in Iraq are using Xbox controllers to control SUGVs (Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles) that go out on patrol and keep soldiers out of harms way.

Sure, it's a little different than playing Crackdown, but it makes sense that soldiers would use controllers they're familiar with rather than having to relearn a new system. So there you have it, next time your mom tells you you're wasting your life with video games just tell her you're training to go to Iraq. That'd be totally worth it, right?