
Pay to unlock content of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007

It's normal for games to reward players for their efforts with new content that was previously locked away. In the case of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 this comes in the form of courses, golfers, and player stats. EA has decided that once you've paid for the game you can now pay even more to unlock all the locked extras.

Firstly, it is possible to access all this content through hard work, but in the past work-shy gamers would simply be able to hammer out a few button combos and hey presto, the locked content would miraculously become open to access. EA is saying it's ok to cheat, but you'll have to pay for the privilege.

New Content:
Unlock Golfer - 200 points
Pro Shop - 300 points
Maxed out player - 200 points
Sunday Tiger - 240 points
Unlock Courses - 200 points



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