
Parsing the Xbox 360 NPD and post-E3 data

Microsoft has posted its commentary on the latest NPD numbers and some post-E3 facts. For those that missed the latest NPD numbers on Joystiq, the Xbox 360 managed to sell 198,400 units in June, handily beating the PS3's 98,500. Of course, the 360 itself was trumped by the Wii (381.8K), DS (561.9)K, PS2 (270.7K), and the PSP (290.1K). Still, in the world of only two consoles -- the world in which both Sony and Microsoft purportedly live -- the 360 is tops. Much more legitimately impressive is the Xbox 360's incredible attach rate. Currently the average number of games sold per console is 6.1, with the number of accessories sitting at 3.2. Microsoft also notes that to date the Xbox 360 has sold 20.1 million games. Games are where the money is, so in this respect the 360 is doing well.

Microsoft is also trumpeting 38 nominations from the Game Critics Awards -- more than any other console -- which are given to the best and brightest of E3. We'd like to clarify that this number includes multiplatform games that will appear elsewhere as well, so the "most nominated platform" claim seems a bit odd. Still, Microsoft did rack up several nominations for console exclusive titles like Fable 2, Mass Effect, Halo 3, and Halo Wars. While we can't argue that these will likely be great games, it's a little irksome that -- with the exception of Fable 2 -- none of these were actually playable at the show. But, it's E3 and awards must be given, so what're you gonna do, right? Follow the "read" link for the rest of Microsoft's thoughts on the NPD numbers and the GCAs.

Parsing the Xbox 360 NPD and post-E3 data - Xbox 360 Fanboy

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