
The second Xbox 360 revealed: codename Zephyr

And I just bought an Xbox 360... now they are going finally put an HDMI port on the back...

Ever wonder why Microsoft hasn't released an HDMI cable for the Xbox 360, or whether the AV port was really capable of digital out? Well, here's your answer: we landed pictures of what appears to be the second Xbox 360 -- the Xbox 360 v2, if you will -- codenamed Zephyr. (The original Xbox 360, if you recall, was codenamed Xenon.) The long rumored about and awaited update to the console won't just feature a new, cooler 65nm processor, it's also finally added an HDMI port for full digital 1080p pleasure, as well as a 120GB drive, just what the doctor ordered. The 120GB drive may or may not come bundled with the kit, we don't yet know, just as we also don't yet know how much a Zephyr 360 is going to run (we imagine it'll go for the same price as currently so they can keep up a little on their expanding margin). But our very kind Xbox insider seemed happy to let us know we'd be able to get them "soon."

The second Xbox 360 revealed: codename Zephyr

New cable connects PS3, 360 and Wii to a SINGLE set of component inputs

XCM are planning to release a single cable which includes one set of component video leads at one end and on the other connectors for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii along with a switch to choose between them, allowing all three consoles to be connected at once. The device is expected to go on sale later this month for the wallet-friendly price of $29.99.

New cable connects PS3, 360 and Wii to a SINGLE set of component inputs

PS3 Steering Wheels Won't Have Force Feedback. At All.

It’s old news by now that the PS3 controller doesn ’t have force feedback built into it. What’s breaking news to us is the fact that the PS3 doesn’t even know how to transmit a signal telling ANY controller to vibrate or give force feedback. For all you racing fans, that means Gran Turismo 5 is going to feel like you're driving on ice.

PS3 Steering Wheels Won't Have Force Feedback. At All.

Duke Nukem Headed to Xbox 360?

The world continues to light a candle for Duke Nukem Forever, the first-person-shooter that's been in development for more then a decade and it's been almost as long since we've seen a screen shot of it running on anything other than the original Unreal engine.

Duke Nukem Headed to Xbox 360?

Guitar Hero II for Xbox 360 Box Art and Bundle Picture

Oh Baby, I'm going to be the Nudge after all! ----- "RedOctane released today the first images of the box and guitar bundle for the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero II, the sequel to the game that has inspired a nation of wannabe rock stars to achieve videogame greatness."

Guitar Hero II for Xbox 360 Box Art and Bundle Picture