
GUG Forza 2 Shots by Shadow1man

Show #231 The one with Geoff Keighley on E3 and Band of Bugs - Xbox Live's Major Nelson

"This week’s show:
Special Co-host : e
Interview: Geoff Keighley, Game Head, on what he’s expecting at this years E3
Interview: Steve Taylor from NinjaBee on Band of Bugs
Xbox 101
Name The Game
What should we put on TriXie’s business cards?
They guy across the hall. Who is he and what is he watching?
Free stuff: Listen for your chance to win a free copy of Band of Bugs or a chance to grab ‘The Matrix on HD DVD"

Master Chief Who? Crysis For The PC, It’s Gonna Be That Good.

WARNING: This game will change how you look at first person shooters, with an engine capable of rendering vast distances, interactive environment that HELPS you hunt down your enemy, three types of armor modes, fully destructible objects, and a real time map editor Crysis aims to be the best first person shooter ever made. Get to know this game.

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Did the Halo 3 Beta Kill the Hype?

One of the writers at myarcadeplanet.com expresses his thoughts on the affect of the Halo 3 beta.

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