Battlefield: Bad Company Screenshots - Xbox
"Built from the ground-up for next-generation consoles using Digital Illusions’ bleeding-edge Frostbite™ game engine, Battlefield: Bad Company drops gamers behind enemy lines with a squad of renegade soldiers who risk it all on a personal quest for gold and revenge. Featuring a deep, cinematic single-player experience loaded with adventure and dark humor, the game delivers the series’ trademark sandbox gameplay in a universe where nearly everything is destructible.
Battlefield: Bad Company also will feature a full suite of the franchise’s trademark multiplayer options with deep gameplay modes designed to take full advantage of the game’s massively destructible environments.
We bring you new screennshots of the game featuring the Frostbite game engine. "
Battlefield: Bad Company also will feature a full suite of the franchise’s trademark multiplayer options with deep gameplay modes designed to take full advantage of the game’s massively destructible environments.
We bring you new screennshots of the game featuring the Frostbite game engine. "
Medal of Honor Airborne Screenshots
"Medal of Honor Airborne is the newest installment from EA's critically-acclaimed Medal of Honor franchise which was credited with pioneering the First-Person Shooter (FPS) WWII genre when it debuted in 1999, and is the best selling WWII FPS franchise of all time.
By fully controlling the airdrop from the very first step through landing, Medal of Honor Airborne adds a new dimension of player choice by letting the player decide where every mission begins and how it plays out. Building on the key tenets of the franchise including historical accuracy, research, and authenticity, for the first time Medal of Honor Airborne will include fully player-drivable vehicles."
By fully controlling the airdrop from the very first step through landing, Medal of Honor Airborne adds a new dimension of player choice by letting the player decide where every mission begins and how it plays out. Building on the key tenets of the franchise including historical accuracy, research, and authenticity, for the first time Medal of Honor Airborne will include fully player-drivable vehicles."
Ben Heck creates the 360 Laptop mk2

Of all the wonderful things that can be said about the Xbox 360, "portable" doesn't usually come up. With a sizable case and a monstrous power brick, the 360 takes some effort (and preferably a comfy backpack) to haul around. Always there to heed our call, the venerable Ben Heck is at it again with the 360 laptop mk2. Many will recall his previous laptop effort, and we have to say the mk2 is definitely an improvement (the keyboard should come in handy for IM). There's no word yet as to how much the beast must have cost (HD screen = expensive), nor are there any "making of" pictures, but Engadget promises to reveal the whole process in the coming weeks. So, if you'd like to build one for your very own, stay tuned.
In the meantime, hit the "read" link to check out some images and video of the 360 laptop mk2 in action.
F.E.A.R. the PS3 vs 360 comparison
Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 graphics comparisons aren't anything new, but when a multiplatform game releases we figure we'll just keep dishing out the video goods. Showcased above is a graphical brawl between the 360 and PS3 versions of F.E.A.R. and even though the small embedded video isn't the perfect graphical representation, we have a difficult time telling the difference. Even after downloading the HD comparison video it's still hard to tell which version is graphically superior. Maybe it was just a good porting job from the PC version to both consoles, who knows, but to us they look the same. We'll leave it in your hands fellow fanboys, watch the video and start a mini fanboy war or just dismiss this comparison and call it a draw.
Madden 08 Cover Athlete Revealed
Several sources, including John Madden himself, have leaked the athlete chosen for this year's Madden NFL. Madden accidentally revealed today in his radio show that Tennessee Titans quarterback Vince Young will be on the cover of the EA Sports Madden 2008.
The Daily Show and The Colbert Report now on VMP
Starting today, you’ll be able to download the latest ‘The Daily Show’ and ‘The Colbert Report’ on the Xbox LIVE Video Marketplace. They are being posted just hours after they air…so props to the VMP team for the staying up REAL late to make this happen. This means that if you miss the airing from the previous night or forgot to set the DVR you can just head over to the VMP and grab the complete shows.
Microsoft looking into disc scratching
Xbox 360 scratching your discs? Well, you aren't alone. Dutch television show Kassa recorded an experiment testing 360s to see if they were scratching discs. What they found out was that most of the December 2006 manufactured 360s were indeed scratchers, probably due to a missing stabilizer piece in the drive itself. They send the video to Microsoft, complained a little, and finally got a response. In their statement, Microsoft acknowledges that their could be a problem with said 360s and that they will happily take a look at your console if you think it's scratching discs. If they find a problem they'll fix her up to a "normal" state, but only on a case by case basis. It's not really an admission of anything fundamentally wrong or a recall, but it's a statement none the less. So, if your 360 is scratching your games, just give Microsoft a call and they should treat you right.
Halo 2 Blastacular Map Pack
The Halo 2 ‘Blastacular Map Pack’ is now available for download over Xbox Live. This pack is US $4.00, and it contains two maps: Tombstone and Desolation.
Since this is original Xbox content, it’s worth pointing out the following:
- You can not purchase these maps with MS points because all original Xbox games have no idea what points are. Therefore, you must have a valid credit card associated with your account in order to purchase the map pack. Please read this article which will show you how to make the changes to your account to add a credit card. All set there, but getting an error when downloading? this may help.
- Don't have a credit card? Head down to your local Visa gift card retailer (like a supermarket) and charge one up with just enough to cover the purchase.
- The maps are original Xbox content..so when you purchase them, they are tied the console they are purchased on. You can not go to another box and re-download them for free.
For more information on the maps (and screen shots) direct your attention to the thse two articles (one and two) on Bungie.net
HD DVD Sales Soar To #1 Again
Now that the PS3 has been out for a while, Blu-ray sales have slumped and HD-DVD is back on top. After the release of the PS3 (which included discount vouchers for Blu-ray movie purchases), sales of the format were strong. Now, it seems the tables are beginning to turn somewhat, as HD DVD is currently selling more movies.
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Dr. Phil Suggests Video Games to Blame for Virginia Tech Shootings
On the heels of Jack Thompson’s rush to blame video games in the wake of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, Dr. Phil has chimed in with support for this theory. Do we always have to point this at video games? It's time to think about parenthood as a problem, no?
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