"Valve and Electronic Arts have announced that Half-Life 2: Episode Two, along with Team Fortress 2 and Portal, will ship together this Winter.
The game will launch in two boxes: the black box will ship for the PC only, while the orange box will ship for the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Both boxes will have Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Portal and Team Fortress 2, but the orange box will also include Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One.
In November, we learned that Episode Two had already been pushed back from its original Q1 2007 release date to 'summer 2007', but the latest news suggests that Episode Two won't launch until the end of the year.
Either that, or Valve and EA has cleverly worded the statement made by the two companies. Here's a clip from the statement:
'Electronic Arts, the world’s leading interactive entertainment company, and Valve, the award-winning studio behind the blockbuster franchises Half-Life and Counter-Strike, today announced the naming and product configurations The Black Box and The Orange Box, two of the most anticipated action game offerings shipping worldwide this Winter 2007.'
We'll let you make your own minds up on that one."