Next Generation : "Sony has confirmed that in early summer it will be releasing a standalone Blu-ray player for $599, the same price as the high-end Blu-ray-enabled PlayStation 3.
ImageThe BDP-S300 will cost significantly less than the older $1000 BDP S-1, yet it will have more features, according to the Associated Press.
The price slash puts standalone Blu-ray players in a better position to compete with HD-DVD players. Toshiba currently offers an HD-DVD player for $499, while Microsoft offers an Xbox 360 add-on HD-DVD player for $200.
The price cut is the latest big move in the format war between Toshiba-backed HD-DVD and Sony’s Blu-ray. Currently, the PS3 is the most widely-used Blu-ray player with over 2 million units shipped worldwide.
Sony Electronics president Stan Glasgow said the Blu-ray players will likely be available for under $500 by Christmas this year."