
New Stranglehold Screenshots

"Midway released today new screenshots for its John Woo-powered 3rd person action game, Stranglehold, scheduled to ship Summer 2007.

Stranglehold allows gamers to play a John Woo-directed action blockbuster movie. Experience the excitement of true next-gen action as you take on the role of Inspector Tequila from John Woo's influential action film, 'Hard Boiled' starring Chow Yun-Fat.

Ensnared by a crime boss with a gripping secret, Inspector Tequila is forced to cross the line from sworn duty to bloody revenge. Engage your enemies with intense cinematic gun battles and cause massive environmental damage in real-time or revolutionary slow motion Tequila Time. "

Movies To Buy: HD DVD Makes Big Marketing Push This Week

"To go along with their HD DVD rebate promotion, the HD DVD camp is making a big push and releasing popular titles this week. The list:

The Complete Matrix Trilogy, 40-year-old Virgin, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Mission Impossible 1 + 2, Freedom Writers, the Skeleton Key, Smokey and the Bandit, and the Ultimate Matrix Collection.

So when you get in on HD DVD with the $100 rebate, you actually have some nice movies to watch.

Blu-ray's not lying down either.

They've got Apocalypto, Closer, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Mission Impossible 1 + 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 + 2, Closer, and Freedom Writers.

It seems like some good new titles are finally making their way onto HD formats, which may mean some higher adoption rates and even more movies for those of us who made like Angelina Jolie and adopted early and often. – Jason Chen"

Rumours of Blu-ray drive for Xbox 360 dismissed

May 21, 2007 - Microsoft has downplayed rumours circulating that it will offer an external Blu-ray Disc drive for the Xbox 360, issuing an official statement earlier this week to underline its commitment to the HD DVD high-definition format.

The statement was released on GamerscoreBlog, a Microsoft-owned website, and affirms that, “Current reports indicating that we have a back-up plan which includes Blu-ray support are incorrect”, adding that Microsoft remains “fully committed” to HD DVD.

The rumours arose following an interview by Japanese website ITMedia with Peter Moore, Microsoft’s Vice President, Interactive Entertainment Business and Devices Division, at the CES show in January this year. During the interview Mr. Moore spoke of the console’s flexibility to adapt to consumers’ needs, as shown by the availability of an add-on HD DVD drive. This was subsequently reported as evidence that Microsoft is planning a Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360 should HD DVD lose the war between the two rival high-definition formats.

The statement recently added on GamerscoreBlog said that “It is important to understand the context in which [Mr. Moore’s] statement was made. We firmly stand behind the HD DVD format as the best choice for consumers.” Microsoft has long been one of the strongest advocates of the HD DVD format, along with Toshiba, NEC, Sanyo and others, while Blu-ray enjoys the support of Sony, Samsung, Dell and Apple.

Next Need for Speed video teaser

"Electronic Arts released this teaser vidéo for the next (yet unnamed) Need for Speed. Even though the actual game is not shown, one can deduct (if not hope) that the game will be played in broad daylight, and that we'll finally be able to smash the cars."

Molyneux hints at next big Fable 2 announcement

"Super Lionhead Studios fansite Loinhead scored an exclusive interview with the creative mastermind behind Fable 2 Peter Molyneux. And in the interview Molyneux talks a little bit about his past failures (Black and White 2), in-game combat, and hints at one of Fable 2's next big announcements ... death. Molyneux doesn't give any specifics to how death will be incorporated into Fable 2, but goes on to say that in other games when you die 'you go back in time twenty minutes to do the same thing over again. That's fine if I'm playing a platformer, not so fine if you're doing an RPG game'. So, traditional ways of dealing with death will not be good enough for Fable 2. But we've already known that Lionhead doesn't plan on taking the traditional path with the sequel (dog anyone?)."

Xbox Live's Major Nelson

"This week’s show:
Xbox news
Halo 3 Beta
My blog bursts into flames
Xbox LIVE Security
Interview: Shrek the 3rd Producers
Interview: Chris Pirich, Xbox 360 Dashboard and HD DVD Updates
Nme the Game
Xbox 101