Sam Vantilburgh, a developer at Lionhead Studios, the company behind Fable 2, recently updated his blog with an interesting status update of Fable 2. Apparently the Lionhead team sent its first “milestone” into Microsoft Game Studios. Go after the jump to find out what this milestone entailed.
Sam first explained what milestones are and what exactly the milestone consisted of:
read moreAs I explained in one of my earlier updates, we need to regularly submit a milestone to our publisher (for the n00bs out there, that’s Microsoft Game Studios) so that we can give them confidence in the development process of Fable 2. This milestone is referred to by the industry as the “first playable”, but we will abbreviate this to FP. The FP is important during the development of any videogame; it consists of just a few areas, that are fully functional, this allows the team to work on the major components and basics of Fable 2 and get them to a stage where the game is completely playable for the first time.
'Tis the season to pick up an Xbox 360 with free games for cheap, apparently. For the gamer still sitting on the next-generation fence before PlayStation 3 and Wii launch, add this to your internal struggle: both Amazon and Outpost are currently advertising some mighty impressive bundles that'll net you the premium version of the console at cheaper-than-normal prices and with free games.
Who knows how long these deals will remain in effect, so pounce quick. At Outpost, a premium Xbox 360 with copies of Dead Rising, Test Drive Unlimited and Saints Row will only cost you $359.96. As the e-retailer points out, that should cost you about $559.96 -- you're saving 200 bucks and receiving three quality games in the process. Not a bad deal.
Head over to Amazon, however, and scope out their deal offering $50 off either LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, Madden NFL 2007 or The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, essentially making them free with the purchase of an Xbox 360. The terms of the deal only mention purchasing an Xbox 360, though the actual page only links to the premium version.
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Part of the Nintendo Wii's asking price when it launches in the U.S. will be for Nintendo's re-instatement of the pack-in game - Wii Sports. At a recent stop of Nintendo's Fusion Tour, Ken and I were able to test out the tennis portion of the game as well as the Wiimote's sensor capabilities.
Nintendo allowed two people at a time to sample the sports snippet, although the final game will allow for four players to whack the yellow ball to their hearts' content. The two teams are simply labeled "blue" and "red" are selected from the team menu, which utilizes the Wiimote's "point and click" capabilities. Just aim at the position you want to control and press the A button to lock yourself in for the next game.
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