
COD3 its not just the effects that are better on the 360 version.

Seems the report of better effects on Call of Duty 3 weren't the only things that turned out better on the 360 version, according to reports the ps3 is suffering from definite framerate issues as well as something more important... where's the local+online multiplayer, maybe me and a friend both wanna play in a 24 player match, not on the ps3 :(

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Easiest job ever: dentist hires 60 temps to wait in PS3 lines

If we weren't sure before, then we're definitely positive now: the impending PlayStation 3 release has officially driven people to madness. As if folks quitting their jobs, ditching their fiancés, and perpetrating drive-by shootings weren't enough, we've just gotten word that a dentist in Columbus, Ohio leveraged some of those cavity-filling profits to hire an unbelievable 60 temp workers to stand in line at four area Wal-Marts. Although not a videogame fan himself, Dr. Murry Newlin wanted to spread the Christmas cheer to his grandchildren, nieces, and nephews by picking up 15 of the next-gen consoles -- a feat that would be impossible for one man to accomplish alone, but that would seem rather trivial for an army of temporary employees. Newlin rotated the line-goers every eight hours, and if sour grapes complaints to store managers and the temps' employment agencies hadn't caused him abandon the plan yesterday afternoon, our rough estimate is that the whole deal would have set him back about $23,400 when all was said and done -- or about the cost of two PS3s on eBay. So what did we learn from this whole ordeal? Simple: if you're one of Dr. Newell's grandkids, we hate to break it to you, but scuttling his plan because of a few whiny fanboys means grandpa just doesn't love you very much.

Update: Whoops, it turns out that this all went down in Columbus, Georgia and not Columbus, Ohio. Oh Christopher Columbus, why did you have to inspire almost as many city names as Jebediah Springfield?


Command and Conquer 3 on Xbox 360

It's not really a surprise, but it's still good to have a confirmation. The cult RTS game series Command and Conquer will soon also be on Xbox 360 with its latest entry called Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. First screens inside.


Nintendo wanted Wii to cost under $100, says Miyamoto

Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed that Nintendo initially intended its next-gen console to go on sale for under US $100 - but certain features pushed up the price.

Speaking in an interview with Business Week Miyamoto said, "Originally, I wanted a machine that would cost $100. My idea was to spend nothing on the console technology so all the money could be spent on improving the interface and software.


Gizmodo's PlayStation 3 Network Signup

MadCatz Xbox Live Arcade GameStick

If you're an Xbox 360 arcade fan you must remember that Mad Catz Arcade GameStick we showed you a little while ago. We've some more details on this controller, which is meant to control all those classic games like Galaga, Street Fighter and Frogger.

The controller itself has a main stick, a smaller stick (corresponding with the right analog) and the same number of buttons as the 360. It'll work on any 360 game, and can even be plugged into your PC for Windows games. It'll retail for $49 in about a month. If you're looking for the authentic retro experience, this should fit the bill fairly nicely.


Gizmodo's PlayStation Online Store Tour

Hiring Homeless To Wait in Line for PS3

While a TV crew was outside a store a "truck used to transport the men from the homeless shelter returned with food for the men. Abdul Salem said he and a friend came up with the idea. They said they plan to pay the men $100 a day to stand in line for a ticket to purchase a PS3 unit that costs around $600."

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Xbox 360 set To Be Games War Winner

Merrill Lynch has said that Microsoft will win the upcoming games battle and their Xbox 360 will be the top selling console over the Sony PS3 and the Nintendo Wii.

According to an International Business Times report citing Yoshiyuki Kinoshita, research analyst for Merrill Lynch, the Tokyo-based division for the financial giant has predicted: "The winner in the next-generation console battle is likely to be the Xbox 360, which is the leader in North America, the world's biggest market."

In addition, Kinoshita's research note revealed: "We forecast respective market shares [in March 2011] of Xbox 360 [at] 39 percent, PS3 [at] 34 percent and Wii [at] 27 percent, thus overturning Sony's domination.

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Sony taking big hit on each PS3 sold; Xbox 360 in the black

iSuppli estimates that the more expensive $599 console costs $840.35 to build, leaving Sony with a $241.35 loss on each console. The picture is worse for the cheaper, $499 version. Sony takes a hit of $306.85 per $499 console sold, due primarily to the lack of any substantial savings from the hardware differences between the two versions of the PS3. For instance, the 40GB difference in hard drive space between the two versions of the PS3 only saves Sony $11 and omitting 802.11b/g on the cheaper console only saves Sony an additional $15.50.

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