
Red Octane Admits to Defective 360 Guitars, Advises Return / Replacement

Some Xbox 360 owners have noticed that while wailing on their whammy bars to snag more Star Power, that the performance of the controller has been less than rockin'. Red Octane responds with which models are affected, and what you should do if you got one of the defective guitars.

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Guitar Hero Designer Responds to Unlockable Content Controversy

Chris Canfield, listed as Game Designer for Guitar Hero II, acknowledged the subsection of gamers who prefer to have all the content available to them immediately. He went on to explain the developer’s efforts to balance these gamers’ interests with gamers who enjoy the challenge of unlocking content.

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Spring dash update features revealed?

Well, well, what do we have here? Word on the street is that Gamespot accidently posted a complete list of the new Spring dashboard update's features and even posted a demo video (embedded above), but then promptly pulled the article. But, unforgiving as the internet is, they didn't yank all the information before everyone and their mothers copied down all the features and mirrored Gamespot's video to YouTube. And our friends over at MyGamerCard.net were nice enough to round up all of the article's information in one convenient place.

Among what Gamespot posted for new dash features is Windows Live Messenger integration, a new Marketplace blade, more informative "Achievement Unlocked" pop-ups, and a low power mode for downloading Marketplace goods. Gamespot's article and video also state that the Spring update will be dropping on May 7th. Whether Gamespot posted the news prematurely or were posting a very late (and evil) April Fool's joke, we aren't sure. But if this is what the Spring dash update has to offer then what new features are you looking forward to?

Xbox Live Activity for week of 4/2

"These lists are based on global unique users connected to Xbox Live.
If the Xbox 360 list and the original Xbox list were combined, then Gears of War continues to be the top Xbox Live title. The arcade list is based on full versions purchased.

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (UU’s)
1 Gears of War
2 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
3 Call Of Duty 3
4 GRAW 2
5 Crackdown
6 Oblivion
7 Castlevania: SOTN
8 Guitar Hero II
9 Worms
10 Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions)
1 Castlevania: SOTN
2 TMNT 1989 Arcade
3 Jetpac Refuelled
4 Worms
5 Luxor 2
7 Alien Hominid HD
8 Geometry Wars Evolved
9 Texas Hold 'em
10 Contra

4000 Microsoft points cards coming soon?

"Yesterday, we received an anonymous tip from a Microsoft rep stating that they've been giving out promotional materials for an upcoming retail 4000 Microsoft points card. The rumored 4000 points card is said to be priced at $49.99 and be Microsoft's answer to getting Marketplace addicts their 'fix' in one convenient (albeit huge) purchase. Our tipster also said that they had no firm release date on the new card as all the materials they were given listed it as 'Coming Soon'. If true, this would would be the second US retail version of Microsoft points cards coexisting with the current 1600 points cards which cost around $19.99.

More money, more points, more problems ... how else did you expect to fill that 120 GB HDD? With Monopoly money?

Update 1: Look what we have here. We guess it's no longer a rumor, go forth and buy your 4000 Microsoft points cards today!"