
Microsoft CONFIRM Xbox 360 price cut!

"Microsoft's Robbie Bach has revealed that the firm’s current priority is bringing the Xbox 360’s hardware costs down – and believes that Sony won’t be able to compete when it cuts the console's retail price. "

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Gameplay of Virtua Tennis 3

Here is a short video of Virtua Tennis 3, which was also in Sega's PS3 showroom. Even if the ball's physics looked a bit weak sometimes, the game seemed like a huge leap over Top Spin 2.


New Halo 3 Details Released

Bungie has posted new information on Halo 3, including minute details of the three hi-res screenshots released last week. The firm’s website includes a feature that takes a look at the detail of the screens, offering an insight into that will almost certainly be next year’s biggest game. The text includes details on vehicles and weapons. It’s here.

Next Generation

Will PlayStation 3 be the new Betamax?

Sony's Blu-ray technology is hot stuff. But, as it found out back in the 1980s, technical superiority doesn't always guarantee success.

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In Brief: PS3 Scaling Problems on Old HDTVs

A lot of you are writing in wondering what the deal is with the PS3's scaling issues. Here's the straight shot.

•Lots of PS3 games run at 720p, natively.

•Lots of pre-2003/2004 era HDTVs don't do both 720p and 1080i, just one or the other.

•When a PS3 is connected to one of these legacy TVs that doesn't support 720p, the 720p games get dropped to a droopy 480p, instead of the happier 1080i res.

•Sony is working on a fix.

The Xbox acts differently:

•Xbox 360 does not do this; it runs everything at whatever setting you declare in the system menu.


Talismoon Jungle Fury Faceplates

SFIMG00001182.jpgI'd never wanted to shoot an animal...or an Xbox 360...before today.


Finally, on the fly WMV transcoding for the Xbox 360

We realize the fall update's only been out a few weeks, but it seems like an eternity for those of us that have been waiting since last November to stream media to our Xbox 360s without the need for a Media Center PC. A new TVersity patch allows users to transcode video to WMV -- now in real time -- for immediate distribution to their 360 over Windows Media Connect without the pain of duped files and finding a good WMV encoder. A little fuss, a little muss, and a few minor niggles to keep this from being a prime time solution, but still, there isn't exactly a plethora of ways to get your DivX onto your Xbox, so be grateful you've got at least something for now as the hardworking hacker front actually gives the people what the people want, whether or not it fits into Microsoft's digital media business plan.


Wii Makes #7 On Gadgets For Women List

The end of the year uber-cool lists that praise Nintendo Wii continue. This time it's a list of tep ten gadgets to give to women this holiday season.

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Megadeth's song "Gears of War" available for free download!

Heavy metal band Megadeth has made available as a free download its "Gears of War" song composed exclusively for Epic Games' third-person shooter.

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