Wal-Mart ad confirms $50 Xbox 360 price drop? [PIC]
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Target to Only Sell Blu-ray Disc Players in Stores
This announcement comes five weeks after a Blockbuster decided to offer only Blu-ray Disc movies for store rentals."
Halo 3 Third and Forth Missions Unveiled to Media
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OXM will soon be available for download, website in the works
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Xbox HD DVD player now $179, includes 5 free movies - Xbox 360 Fanboy

Also announced was Microsoft's partnership with Warner Bros. to feature 300 in HD on the XBLM starting August 14th and offer exclusive Heroes Marketplace downloads prior to its season one release to HD DVD. The free Heroes content will include trailers, episode teasers, promotional materials and a free Marketplace download of the pilot episode in HD.
With today's HD DVD player price drop it makes it one of the cheapest ways to experience HD content and is quite the tempting offer. We just might end up caving in this August and splurging to experience the look and sound of perfect. HD content FTW!
Xbox HD DVD player now $179, includes 5 free movies - Xbox 360 Fanboy
The most detailed GRAND THEFT AUTO IV preview you'll read.
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Xbox 360 Getting Virtua Fighter 5 by Halloween
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Left 4 Dead to be playable at QuakeCon 2007
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Parsing the Xbox 360 NPD and post-E3 data
Microsoft is also trumpeting 38 nominations from the Game Critics Awards -- more than any other console -- which are given to the best and brightest of E3. We'd like to clarify that this number includes multiplatform games that will appear elsewhere as well, so the "most nominated platform" claim seems a bit odd. Still, Microsoft did rack up several nominations for console exclusive titles like Fable 2, Mass Effect, Halo 3, and Halo Wars. While we can't argue that these will likely be great games, it's a little irksome that -- with the exception of Fable 2 -- none of these were actually playable at the show. But, it's E3 and awards must be given, so what're you gonna do, right? Follow the "read" link for the rest of Microsoft's thoughts on the NPD numbers and the GCAs.
Parsing the Xbox 360 NPD and post-E3 data - Xbox 360 Fanboy
Why is HD DVD better?
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Microsoft to drop Xbox 360 price this Aug
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Splinter Cell Conviction delayed till early 2008
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Forza 2 DLC coming soon
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Unlock the real NFL teams in All-Pro 2K8

Unlock the real NFL teams in All-Pro 2K8 - Xbox 360 Fanboy
Demo: All-Pro Football 2K8
Price: Free
Availability: Canada and the United States
Dash Text: [ESRB: E10+ (Everyone 10+) MILD LANGUAGE] Check out the official demo of this year's most highly anticipated football game, as 2K Sports makes its triumphant return to the gridiron with All-Pro Football 2K8!
Size: 681.90 MB"
Demo: All-Pro Football 2K8 - Xbox Live's Major Nelson:
Demo: NASCAR 08
Content: NASCAR 08 Demo
Price: Free
Availability: Australia, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, United States
Dash Text: [ESRB: E (EVERYONE)] Take the wheel at the Daytona International Speedway as NASCAR racing comes to the Xbox 360 for the first time. Experience tomorrow's racing today in NASCAR 08! Visit easports.com/nascar08 for more info.
Demo: NASCAR 08 - Xbox Live's Major Nelson
Console Wars: PS3 Sales Surge 135% Since Price Drop, Sony Seen Laughing on Way to Bank
COD4 storage issue clarified: not required

There was quite a bit of falderal surrounding the recently released conceptual box art for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. For those who are unaware, the box art released featured an icon with the text "Storage Required" underneath it. This led many to believe that Call of Duty 4 would break Microsoft's mandate that all 360 titles be playable without a hard drive. Have no fear though, for it looks like it was all a misunderstanding. MyGamerCard.net reports that Infinity Ward Community Relations Manager, Robert Bowling, has confirmed that storage will not be required to play Call of Duty 4. According to Bowling, the icon was added to the concept art in order to represent how the box would appear once logos and icons were applied. It looks like all the people without memory cards or hard drives (both of them) can breathe a sigh of relief.
COD4 storage issue clarified: not required - Xbox 360 Fanboy
Forza Motorsport 2 Patch Arrives Today
With that out of the way, here's what's coming in the patch, courtesy of Turn 10:
Deny gifting and reselling of cars with locked paintjobs. Why? Because this will help alleviate the problem where an artist's precious limited edition car gets duplicated and sold on the Auction House. The only way you can sell or gift a car with a locked livery is by being the original owner/artist of the car. A temporary ban on the Lotus Elan use on scoreboards and in multiplayer. Why? There is an error with the Lotus Elan's performance index calculation that puts the car at a lower class despite its capabilities, resulting in the Elan mass dominating the scoreboards in D and C class. This temporary ban will not allow you to upload lap times to the scoreboards when you use the car in career mode, and prohibits you from using the car at all in online races. When we roll out our permanent PI fix for the Elan in a future patch, we're going to lift the ban. Sorry for the draconian measure -- we really didn't like imposing this sort of restriction on the community but this is necessary. Allow cars to be fully rotated while being viewed in the Auction House. Why? Because so many of you asked for the camera to be unlocked in Auction House so you can look at the paintjob on the roof of the car we thought we should do good by the community. A number of scoreboard problems have been fixed. These range from the glitch where if the AI did not relinquish control of your car after the rolling start, you would inadvertently post a corrupt superhuman lap time in the micro-seconds, to several "extreme" physics bugs folks have been exploiting to get crazy fast lap times (lag crash boosting and the shifting glitch). Removed host's ability to boot players during a race. Why? Because this feature, although handy at times, was getting abused by hosts who kicked folks who were in the lead of a race where the stakes were high (i.e., credits were on the table). Don't worry, you can still kick people to your heart's content in the lobby. Miscellaneous fixes aplenty. Like what? Various discovered Auction House bugs that could potentially cause players to lose credits or cars. At least one triple-screen bug fix for sync'ing issues, as well as an undiscovered quickmatch bug that always connected you to the same game upon attempt.
Forza Motorsport 2 Patch Arrives Today news from 1UP.com
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Trailer
Guitar Hero III drops you into the spotlight of the largest and most legendary rock concert ever. The star-studded soundtrack includes master tracks by such legendary artists as The Rolling Stones, Beastie Boys, Muse and Pearl Jam. With added songs as made legendary by Kiss, Alice Cooper and Heart. Now drop that air guitar, tune your exclusive new Les Paul Guitar Controller and shred the night away with Guitar Hero III."
Uh-oh: Kotaku's Brian Crecente suffers 9th dead XBox 360
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Call of Duty 4 Xbox 360 box art features 'Storage Required' sticker
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Microsoft Xbox 360 Sales Plunge 60% As Problems Mount
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Rumor: $100 Price Drop on August 1st for Xbox 360?
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Show #237 The one with e about E3 and Peter Moore leaving - Xbox Live's Major Nelson
100% Failure Rate on Xbox 360s | X-clamps, NOT Heat
Unfortunately, I still see a myriad of posts/discussions about the Red Lights of Death (RLOD) that are still incorrect about the cause of the issue, and even worse, what the fix may be. I believe the cause to be obvious, and considering that I repaired my own several months ago, and it’s still going strong, only strengthens that belief. It just makes sense. I’m not sure why Microsoft hasn’t admitted the real issue, nor have I see any of the major reporting sources really investigate and recognize what seems to be true in this case.
The cause: X-clamps
Many still want to point to heat issues, including this article with almost 4,000 Diggs. While heat will certainly play a part in the demise of any electronic device, this is not the cause for the RLOD. Quite simply it’s the mechanism that hold the heat sinks on the CPU and GPU in place. These are in the shape of an “X”. The design of these clamps causes the motherboard of the 360 to warp over time. I honestly don’t know what causes the issues after that (likely an open connection that is small, but enough to break the system), but the warping is the main issue.
The force that is applied is shown from a drawing I pickup up from Neogaf, posted by someone named Bilbi. Crude, but effective:
As you can see, it’s puttying equal force on the edges, which is good, but puts downward force on the CPU, which is bad. Luckily, the fix for this is fairly easy if you have a bit of technical skill and is why you see people selling the fixes on eBay and wanting to purchase broken Xbox 360s
. This is a cheap fix for someone selling a broken item.
The best place to find a tutorial to fix this issue is on the Xbox-Scene.com Forums in this post. Whatever you do, please don’t do a “towel trick”
or whack it with your hand
Considering the rate of success with the replacement, this points to the possibility that this is the “true” fix. I’m personally convinced as it makes sense and just screams of poor design by Microsoft. My question is: Why Microsoft has not addressed the X-clamp issue, but continues to call it “heat related?” The only thing that I can surmise is that they want to continue to leave a sense of doubt in the consumer, and the slight possibility that if they handle their 360 properly, it will not happen to them. This is not “M$ SUXXX” hate from me, but just trying to justify the business decision in my own head. They’ve extended the warranty, which is a great start, but I’m sure if they admitted this design flaw there would be a rising call for a recall, which would add considerable more cost to the whole equation. Make no mistake, this affects 100% of the Xbox 360s sold.
In conclusion: If you have an Xbox 360, the RLOD will eventually happen and is not a question of “when,” but “if.” With the new warranty in place, you’re covered, but I know the turnaround time has been less than stellar in most instances. You may want to consider the possibility of breaking your warranty, and implementing the fix yourself. I’ve personally had my fix in place since December and have not had a single hiccup since.
Halo Warthog made into real vehicle! [pics]

Created for a series of Halo shorts by would-be Halo director Neill Blomkamp (the first of which we saw at E3), WETA's Warthog is built to correct scale and features the appropriate equipment mounted on back.
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New Grand Theft Auto IV Scans and Info- GTA IV
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Call of Duty 4's box art to be decided by YOU

One a side-note, we just noticed something on the bottom of all the box art samples, a little "Storage Required" logo featuring a Xbox 360 HDD and memory card. Hmm, interesting ...
Call of Duty 4's box art to be decided by YOU - Xbox 360 Fanboy
Hands on with the Chatpad and Messenger Kit

Hands on with the Chatpad and Messenger Kit - Xbox 360 Fanboy
NHL 08 Contact Physics and Realistic Motion
APF 2K8 reel editor now on XBLM, why?

An interesting item has popped up on Xbox Live Marketplace for All Pro Football 2K8. The item is a called the "reel editor." This item, as its name implies, allows players to create and edit replays in order to create personal highlight reels. Sounds pretty cool, right? We actually think it's a great idea. We have one question, though: why is this on Xbox Live Marketplace? Shouldn't this be an included feature in the game? Considering the game has only been out for a few days, we find it hard to believe this reel editor couldn't have made it into the retail disc. What's more, we're expected to pay 400 points for it? Sounds like unnecessary roughness to us.
APF 2K8 reel editor now on XBLM, why? - Xbox 360 Fanboy
CinemaNow Media Manager Now With Xbox 360 Support
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Green gamer nerdvana: Tesla Roadster in XBox's Project Gotham Racing 4
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VIDEO: Ferrari F430 hits the wall while filming PGR4 commercial
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MGS4 on 360 a few months after PS3 Says OXM Magazine!!!!
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Bully: Scholarship Edition coming to Wii & 360 from Rockstar
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Gaming - News - Wii success will not last, says developer
Nintendo's best-seller sold 245,000 units last week, compared to just over 57,000 Xbox 360 consoles. PS3 shifted just under 80,000 units in the same time frame.
But Earthworm Jim creator Dave Perry has told Disposeable Media that gamers are attracted to gorgeous graphics, a factor that could limit the Wii's long-term appeal.
"The graphical power of the 360 and PS3 are essential to them attracting the Wii's user base. The fact is, gamers are attracted to beautiful looking games, " Perry said.
"When a game comes out - a game like a Halo or something, something they haven’t seen before - they'll drop everything and they’ll drop their Wii controllers when it does."
On the topic of the PlayStation 3, Perry said: “In every way, the machine hasn’t succeeded yet in what it can deliver. I don’t think we’ve seen a true PS3 title yet, but developers are getting better and it’s only a matter of time before the PS3 starts achieving what it offers to consumers.”
IGN: Bomberman Live Review
13 minutes of Viva Piñata: Party Animals - Xbox 360 Fanboy

Our friends at Piñata Island -- these guys -- have gotten their candy-stained hands on a thirteen minute video of Viva Piñata: Party Animals. The video was taken with the lead designer, Cameron Davis, of Krome Studios, developers of Party Animals. The video shows off several of the mini-games, as well as the races, which serve as the transition between mini-games. All of the games -- save the racing sections -- are controlled via the left stick and a single button, which Davis says should allow anyone to pick up and play the title. The game also includes drop-in / drop-out versus play, so anyone can join or leave a game at any time. Finally, Davis reveals that the E3 demo should be available on Xbox Live Marketplace in the near future. Hit the "read" link to check out the video."Our friends at Piñata Island -- these guys -- have gotten their candy-stained hands on a thirteen minute video of Viva Piñata: Party Animals. The video was taken with the lead designer, Cameron Davis, of Krome Studios, developers of Party Animals. The video shows off several of the mini-games, as well as the races, which serve as the transition between mini-games. All of the games -- save the racing sections -- are controlled via the left stick and a single button, which Davis says should allow anyone to pick up and play the title. The game also includes drop-in / drop-out versus play, so anyone can join or leave a game at any time. Finally, Davis reveals that the E3 demo should be available on Xbox Live Marketplace in the near future. Hit the 'read' link to check out the video."
Xboxic » Four new Nyko accessories including wireless guitar
FrontMan Wireless Guitar for Xbox 360
Firstly and most importantly, the wireless guitar. The FrontMan Wireless Guitar is being developed for the Xbox 360 by Nyko. As of yet, there is no definite release date or price for this, but we do have a little bit of information on it. We know that it will come with three pick guards and stickers that can be used to customize your pick guards. But that is the not so interesting information.
The interesting information is that the FrontMan Wireless Guitar will allow you to play Guitar Hero II up to 25 feet away from your Xbox 360 console. Some bad news, however, is that you will need to use three AA batteries to operate this. However, Nyko says that these three AA batteries will give you up to 80 hours of gameplay. Some good news is that this guitar is compatible with the original Guitar Hero II wired guitar, allowing you to use both at the same time.
At the moment, that is all we know about the FrontMan Wireless Guitar. However, Nyko has also announced HD-Link, a set of Component audio and video cables. As well as that, Nyko will be releasing a Charge Station that comes with two battery packs and plugs into your wall socket to charge them. Finally, they have announced the IntercoolerEX. This is a cooler to keep your Xbox 360 cool and is compatible with the wireless adapter.
The FrontMan Wireless Guitar is much more interesting then the other Nyko accessories considering that Nyko is the first to release such a guitar for the Xbox 360. Guitar Hero II fans should keep an eye out for word on a release date and price for this, and we will be sure to keep you up to date on all the latest information regarding this in the future.
NHL 08 Reebok Edge Trailer
The revolutionary Skill Stick System evolves in NHL 08 and delivers an unparalleled level of control. An all-new deking system enables you to move the puck off your stick, to walk around a defender and give you space in front to challenge the goalie. Enhanced analog speed control and a new skating engine give you the precision and fluidity to play like you would on the ice.
Watch this video overview of just how much detail was put into the jerseys of NHL 08 provided by Reebok."
Halo 3 may ship without online co-op play.
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The one where Peter Moore says goodbye - Xbox Live's Major Nelson
Peter Moore to Head EA Sports?
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All-Pro Football 2K8 Available Now
Madden really wants you to "Ring" in '08
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