Developer Infinity Ward decided to involve the
Call of Duty community in making one of the biggest decisions for
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare ... the box art. Yup, Infinity Ward wants
your opinion on what art will grace the
CoD 4 cover and ultimately sit on retail shelves. Their art department created five different box art concepts to choose from (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo) and are looking for the community to comment, vote and make any suggestions for their favorite box art. You can view all five concepts in our gallery below and have your voice be heard over on the official voting forums, but you'll have to register first. Our favorite is
"Charlie", because it's badass plain and simple, but you can vote on any design you choose. Go now, exercise your right to vote!
One a side-note, we just noticed something on the bottom of all the box art samples, a little "Storage Required" logo featuring a Xbox 360 HDD and memory card. Hmm, interesting ...
Call of Duty 4's box art to be decided by YOU - Xbox 360 Fanboy
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