
Concern at rush to study for degrees in computer games | Higher Education

The Australian: "AMAZED at the rush of enrolments for new degrees in computer games, Queensland academics are 'terrified' that some students believe they will spend three years finessing their PlayStation skills.
The Queensland University of Technology's Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment has been so popular with school leavers that the head of the campus's IT faculty fears students have been misled by a catchy course title.

'One of our terrible fears is that we're going to have this cohort of students who imagine that they're going to be allowed to play games 50 hours a week for three years and then be handed a degree,' the dean of information technology, Simon Kaplan, said.

'This is something that terrifies us because computer games at university is no more about playing computer games than aeronautics is about flying fighter jets.'

Although students will learn the technical and creative aspects of design, animation and software development, QUT's decision to market the course via computing magazines and FM radio has resulted in a flood of interest, with some of the state's top students applying. School leaver Douglas Cook passed up a chance to study law and medicine to sign up for the games degree. 'I could have possibly been a doctor or lawyer (but) I just wanted"


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