
Bungie Weekly Update hints at cool new "thing"

Last night, over at Bungie.net, Frankie posted his semi-famous Bungie Weekly Update. In this week's edition we learn that Halo 2's matchmaking will be revamped next month with Team Swat coming back in an un-ranked state. There are also a few tidbits of info surrounding how the alpha for Halo 3 is progressing, complete with a fully dotted "death map" for Snowbound. But the exciting news is that Frankie dropped a hint that a new feature or "thing" will be included (99% certain) in Halo 3. Frankie goes on to say, "the MLG boys will sweat blood with excitement. They will all still moan at me about how we nerfed the pistol from Halo One, but this new thing will at least cheer 'em up for a few months. Or years. It's that big". Why must you do that to us Frankie? Ok fanboys, time to put on your official speculation hats and get a speculating. Xbox 360 Fanboy


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