Halo 3 spike grenade specs

and this week they’re showing us the new spike grenade.
In the UNSC’s limited encounters with the spike grenade, we have learned much of its tactical applications both through contact with the Brutes and field tests of our own using discarded equipment. The quills of the spike grenade seem to be able to grip almost any surface upon which it’s been tested. This includes rock, glass and even some Covenant shield systems, unlike the plasma grenades which we have encountered before. The other feature unique to this grenade is its directional blast. Our researchers have discovered that the directional blast of the grenade is not designed to come out of one end or the other, but instead is relative to the surface against which it rests. If thrown against a perfectly flat wall, the grenade’s blast will disperse perpendicular to the wall.
So for anyone that’s ever wanted to throw a claymore, now you’ll have the chance. This will undoubtedly add an interesting tactical element to multiplayer, as chasing a player through tunnels and around corners becomes an even more risky affair. Bungie also states that the grenades will be particularly effective on Snowbound, as the spike grenades stick to the shield doors on the map. The kill radius on the grenade is about 10ft., and the damage radius extends to 36ft. We leave you with a few of the anecdotes that Bungie had about the Type-2 Antipersonnel Fragmentation Grenade.
It’s like a table leg with machetes bolted to it. Who the hell makes a weapon like that? Did those guys actually get up into space on their own?
Those things ain’t made to wound anyone – to make you use up time and resources treating casualties. They were designed to make you die screaming.
I’ve heard guys say that there’s nothing as scary as seeing one of these slam into a wall – or a man – you’re standing next to. Well, those guys have never seen a whole squad of baby kongs huckin’ ‘em in their direction at the same time – ‘cause that is some scary ****.
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