
Sony May Cry - Another Capcom Betrayal?

Devil May Cry, like it or not, is a big Capcom franchise. Whilst not up there with the likes of Resident Evil and Street Fighter, it is oft touted as one of the really good titles available for the PS2. It’s newest incarnation Devil May Cry 4 was to be a PS3 exclusive, and Sony were obviously quite happy to have it. Problem is, like most of Sony’s so called exclusives…it could be coming to the 360.

This rumour has been thrown around before, but like our recent MGS4 piece new evidence has come to light which makes a port seem much more likely. Xbox360fanboy.com had this to say on the matter:

Jonah tipped us off on the contents of his official Playstation Magazine (yes, the same one with the Gears ad). Inside, there is an article discussing the future of Devil May Cry 4 and whether it will remain a PS3 exclusive. PSM is reporting that Capcom will be showing some more Microsoft love and will be bringing the series to the Xbox 360. We’ve all heard this rumor before, but we’re starting to feel a little more giddy by the day. Are you guys interested in Devil May Cry 4 coming to the 360 and do you think it’ll help with console sales?

Sony seem incapable of any luck at the moment. Between losing franchises left right and centre to the competition and posting up a picture of Project Gotham as a screenshot for their own Gran Turismo HD, it seems Sony need to concentrate hard on just staying afloat in the business. The fact the PS3 is going to cost over £100 more in the UK than in the USA doesn’t help matters much either.

But enough with the Sony bashing for one news piece. Devil May Cry is a good action series, and the more people who get the opportunity to play it, the better. Bring it over Capcom - or did those incredible sales of Dead Rising and Lost Planet not convince you we 360 owners love your games? Xboxic


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