
VIDEO: Xbox Live Vision Camera Maps Your Face Into Rainbow Six Vegas

Not a gadget, per se, but the upcoming Rainbow Six Vegas game for Xbox 360 will let you use the Xbox Live Vision Camera to let you map your face onto your character. We saw a demo of this in action before, and personally I'm pretty excited about this feature. It's not that I like seeing my face all the time—which I do, because I love myself—but mapping your likeness into the game really makes you feel like you're the one getting shot at.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am looking foward to this feature. Honestly its about time. I rememeber Rare was gonna do this with the original perfect dark. You were gonna be able to use the Gameboy camera but nintendo didn't like the idea because of the political ramifications about "shooting your friend in the face". Well the political seen hasn't gotten any better towards games but finally someone A.K.A Microsoft and Ubisoft has given us the choice to do it. Way to go both companies for having the guts to let your customers make there own decisions. What a concept. Sorry if this seems a liitle anti-nintendo(which it isn't) I just hate this kind of censorship, it should be up to the customer to make that decision, not the company itself. Anyway thats my rant. Keep up the good work Girdiron Canuck and everyone else who contributes here. Later

6:24 PM  

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