
BOOM! Worst player in Madden '07 responds

Washington Redkins deep snapper Ethan Albright isn't getting much love from John Madden this year, courtesy of EA Sports. Albright is ranked an appalling 53 in Madden '07, which pegs him as worst in the NFL. This has earned him the nickname of digital Mr. Irrelevant, and stats in the game that are on par with Derrick Frost, the Redskins punter. Frost has a higher speed rating, which makes sense, but his toughness rating is only six points lower than the much beefier Albright. Ouch. You don't want to be near the toughness level of a punter in the NFL, since they are normally wiry and have about as much upper body strength as the guy who carries the down marker on the sidelines.



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