Xbox 360 Fanboy: "IGN got some hands-on time with MotoGP '07 and came back with some intriguing details. First off, all of the licensed GP tracks you know and love will be making a triumphant return this September. The face lift to the graphics are also worthing noting, as well as adding tweaks to the handling to make the game a little more accessible, while still maintaining its simulation roots. The Extreme mode is also back, and apparently at least some of the tracks from last year will be playable again. Customization will be more in depth, to help make your bike yours. But, it won't necessarily be yours forever, as you can take a page out of Juiced 2's book and race for pink slips on your crotch rocket. More details available by clicking the 'Read' link. With the swarm of MotoGP news, can September come soon enough? Or should we wake you when it's over?"
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