Voice controlled 360 is reality

This sounds almost too good to be true. But I’m pleased to tell you it is true, and something that, if pulled off well, could be really effective and a must buy for anyone who hates leaving the sofa.
“Imagine walking into your entertainment room and simply saying, for example; Xbox Play U2 or Xbox Play American Idol, and your Xbox immediately starts playing that content,” said Dean Weber, president and CEO at One Voice Technologies. “With our technology you can control both the main Windows Vista computer along with controlling up to five Xbox 360 game consoles using voice commands. We allow the user to uniquely name each Xbox 360 in their home; for instance one might be named Family Room while another named Game Room. This allows the user to say - Family Room Play U2 or Game Room Play CSI Miami. This creates the ultimate digital home experience combining the power of today’s PC’s running Windows Vista with the flexibility"
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