
Sony to Publish PGR 3 as Gran Turismo 4?

Original screenshot from Project Gotham Racing 3 (June 17, 2005):

What you are about to see is photographic proof that could be graphically disturbing to you, especially if you own a $600 grilling machine.

According to a graphic found at Sony's Connect music store, Gran Turismo 4 for the PlayStation 3 (Gran Turismo HD Concept) is a port of the one-year old Project Gotham Racing 3, which means that PlayStation 3 owners can download a game Xbox 360 users played over a year ago.

No, this is not an early April Fool's Day joke. At least not from us. Through its Connect PSP website (located at http://psp.connect.com/), Sony is offering the latest trailer of Gran Turismo 4 ... or is it Project Gotham Racing 3?

By now, we're very confused. Xbox


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