
PS3 to get even better at taking your money with add-on credit card reader

If there's anything Sony is really good at, it's devising new ways to take your money. The new PS3 firmware that was released this morning, version 1.5, includes support for swiping your credit card right into your console. Yes, video game consoles have gotten so nickel and dimey that it makes sense to have a credit card reader built right in. What the hell is going on?

Luckily for my blood pressure, this update is Japan only… for now. If it catches on there you can be damned sure that Sony won't hesitate before trying to sell us this new "feature." Here's an idea, Sony: let people buy games and enjoy them without having to constantly pay extra. You never had to pay for extra levels in Super Mario World, after all. SCI FI Tech | SCIFI.COM


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