Only 1000 PS3’s coming to Canada at launch?
Talked with an associate today at work, and I was told that a Sony representative stopped by the store over the weekend (Zellers, btw) to talk about PS3-related stuff. Apparently, the representative said that there were only going to be 1000 units available for all of Canada on launch day? Wow, that’s a lot thinner than I would have guessed. Of the 400,000 units coming on day one, I would have thought that at least 20,000 of those would be heading north, but I guess not. Slim pickings this holiday season, folks, very slim.
Oh, and before anyone contacts me, my location is only going to receive four units at launch and - you’ve guessed it - they’ve already been sold. Forgot to ask whether they were 20 or 60GB models.
The Advent
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