Doom 4 To Be Most Realistic Shooter Yet
“We’re just going to give players a freaking gun,” said Id co-founder John Carmack. “We figure that trying to outdo Doom 3 in terms of graphics would be just too much work. So, we decided to just give out real guns and call it Doom 4."
“The graphics of real life are so much better than anything computers can put out. Take that, Crysis,” said Alex Sanchez, a beta tester for the game. “They just gave me an AK-47 and told me to find and shoot zombies. I think I got a few, but they might have been housecats.”
Carmack is confident that Doom 4 will generate tremendous sales, “We’re now putting the final touches on the product. We just need to secure a shipment of rifles from the Liberian army, and it’s game of the year, baby!”
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