
Call of Duty 4 details revealed

If you simply cannot wait for more news about Call of Duty 4, then prepare to be excited as some details regarding both single and multiplayer game modes have been revealed in PC Gamer. Yes, that’s a PC magazine and they are probably talking about the PC version, but chances are the same applies to the 360 version, so hit the jump to check it out.

If you have ever played Rainbow Six: Vegas and loved the way your character gained stats with experience points and persistent character statistics, then it will come as great news to you that CoD 4 will have something similar. A kill will gain you two points, a headshot will gain you three points and an assist (where you badly wound someone but another player finishes him off) will net you one point. You will unlock new ranks, skins and weapons for your character, just like Vegas.

There will also be hardpoints dotted about the maps, in both single and multiplayer. An example given is a radio that calls in an air-strike. If your team can capture it, a helicopter will appear and attack the enemy with its rockets and machine guns. Once the attack has finished, the hardpoint will return neutral again. This is similar to Battlefield 2, which had a similar idea with massive air-strikes being called into play.

A new game mode for the single player is also being put in. Titled “Realism”, it will see one shot killing someone instantly. Apparently this was modded in to the PC versions, but now Infinity Ward are including the mode from the get-go.

Finally, no vehicles will be in the multiplayer part of the game. CoD 3 had them, but thankfully CoD 4 is returning to the way CoD 2 was. The reasoning behind it:

“We want to keep the maps small, so there will be always intense action. If we made maps bigger so they could include vehicles, they’d become less interesting for infantry combat, and that’s what we want to focus on. In singleplayer however, you will get to use vehicles. There’s one mission on which you get to be a gunner in a Cobra assault helicopter, and inflict some serious damage on the enemy below you. These kind of levels provide some welcome variety from the intense infantry missions”

It’s true that CoD 3 became a lot less personal thanks to the gigantic maps and the introduction of vehicles in the multiplayer. It’ll be nice to see the game returning to its roots, and with Infinity Ward back at the helm, this game is sure to do multiplayer properly again.

You can check out the trailer for CoD 4 here, or head to the Marketplace and download it from there.


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