It's a custom triple screen Forza 2 setup

Team 10's own audio test lead Joel Robinson is a huge Forza fan (rightfully so, he did help create the game) and in preparation Forza 2's release he created one expensive gaming setup. As you can see above, Joel hooked up three 40" 720p screens creating an immersive racing cockpit view featuring a full 180 degree view. Not only that, but he also installed a racing seat with butt-kickers, a 5.1 surround system, and mounted the 360 force feedback steering wheel and pedals. Yes, his gaming setup is a little messy right now, but he promises to clean it up and add a few final touches. But we highly doubt you'll notice the clutter when you have your eyes glued to the three screens racing it out in Forza 2. Isn't life grand?
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