The top 5 "secret" games coming to 360
Xbox 360 Fanboy:According to Planet Xbox 360, the latest Official Xbox Magazine dishes out what its editors believe to be the top 5 games being secretly made for the Xbox 360. More or less the list is a wish list of games that most of us would like to see make an appearance on our beloved console. Many of them have been rumored for quite some time, but it's a nice list nevertheless. Check it out after the break.
- World of Warcraft -- the article suggests that Microsoft is paying Blizzard copious amounts of cash to make a console version of the incredibly successful PC game. OXM expects the game not to be a direct port, but rather a new version designed especially for the console.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III -- This one is more or less a no-brainer. The first two were successful titles and the franchise has a rabid fan base to utilize.
- Duke Nukem Forever -- considering the success of Prey, it's not too much of a leap to think 3D Realms is considering this for Xbox 360. Of course, they'll probably port Duke Nukem Forever to every platform possible in order to recoup ten years worth of development expenses.
- Crimson Skies 2 -- OXM suggests that the original Crimson Skies was popular enough to warrant a sequel. Supposedly, Microsoft is keeping it under wraps so they'll have something to show off in 2008.
- Hellgate: London -- we've reported this possibility before. OXM conjectures that the 360 version is being kept secret so that Hellgate can help push the Games for Windows brand. Considering the game is being co-published by EA, we wouldn't be surprised if it crosses over to the 360 (where it can make even more money).
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