"Official" images of 360 Elite surface

The word "official" is a tricky one out here on the clogged intertubes of Tomorrow World. Generally, the word "official" means one of two things. One, it means that something is, in fact, official, and that it is the genuine article. Two, it means that something is as fake as it can possibly be. It seems a handful of "official" pictures of the Xbox 360 Elite have landed on Spanish gaming site, Consolas.com. Maybe we're jumping the gun here, but nearly all the images look pretty damned fake. The controller and accessories look fishy, as though someone simply reversed white to black in all instances. We also find it odd that Microsoft would place the black Elite on a black background. The Elite package art is particularly suspect, as all the accessories pictured on it are white, not black. Put simply, we're skeptical.
Then again, we didn't find the leaked Halo 3 packaging all that convincing either. What say you, 360 fanboys, real or fake?
"Official" images of 360 Elite surface - Xbox 360 Fanboy
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