Xbox 360 Fanboy: "Sure, storytelling is important to game development, but let's face it, many of us are graphics whores. The draw of a beautifully rendered game is undeniable. A graphically immersive game will cause many to overlook faults that would otherwise stand out (see Gears of War). As such, graphical ability is a strong bullet point for almost any console. Case in point, we found a comparison video of NBA Street Homecourt for the Xbox 360 and PS3. First thing's first, no matter what platform it's on, Homecourt is a nice looking game. Period. It looks great. That being said, we'd say the 360 version is actually a little sharper. If we had to put our finger on it, we'd say the 360 version looks just a little bit 'glossier.' Granted, we have no way of knowing what sort of setup GameTrailers used to make the video, but we'd have to give the slight edge to the 360 (as did Game Informer).
Hit the 'read' link to watch the video (it's HD, so it'll take a while to buffer) and then come back and tell us what you think. Do graphics even matter? Given the feature disparity between the two consoles (rumble, Xbox Live, etc.) would you pick one over the other just because it looked better?"
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