
Paperboy on Wednesday

Xboxic: "s posted earlier, we knew it wouldn’t be Worms, so let’s forget about that for a moment and enjoy the news that Paperboy is coming this very Wednesday to an Xbox 360 near you. The price is thankfully 400 MS Points for those wondering.

Players control a paperboy on his speedy bicycle delivering newspapers along a busy suburban street. The goal is to deliver a week of daily newspapers to subscribers’ homes without damaging their property, all the while avoiding hazards such as grumpy neighbors, annoying dogs and moving vehicles. Miss a delivery too many times and players may lose a subscriber for good.

This is a game that really needs no introduction, but if you are just that bit too young, the briefest of summaries is above. Originally released in 1984, the coin operated arcade version was much loved by everyone, and it was very addicting. Will it work on the 360 though? It will need some new features."


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