Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Q&A

Will the graphics in the multiplayer part of the game be as good as the single player in GRAW 2? This was not the case in the previous title.
We've devoted a huge amount of engineering resources to stepping up the graphics in GRAW 2 multiplayer. The biggest upgrade by far is a switch to more advanced lighting effects, including a dynamic lighting and shadowing system. We've also revamped the special effects so you'll see the shimmer of heat from explosions and burning buildings, wind and helicopters effecting smoke and foliage, advanced bullet impact effects, distance blur …the ‘works’.
Will it be possible to superimpose my face onto characters, like in Rainbow Six Vegas?
We won't be supporting face mapping, but we've piled on the character customization options, including female characters and more FFW gear. Fans of other Clancy games might even recognize a few new headgear choices.
How does the multiplayer experience differ from GRAW? " Read Full Story
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