
Gamefly's rental/request chart still has 360 on top - PS3 Fanboy

PS3 Fanboy: "As long as Gamasutra keeps posting these GameFly rental/request charts, we feel obligated to do the same. Without further ado, here's what's on people's minds this week (hint -- 360 still takes the top 3 spots overall):
XBox 360

* Crackdown
* NBA Street Homecourt
* Lost Planet


* Sonic and the Secret Rings
* Mario Party 8
* Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

PlayStation 3

* Virtua Fighter 5
* Sonic the Hedgehog
* Major League Baseball 2k7

PlayStation 2

* God of War II
* Rogue Galaxy
* Ghost Rider
That should do it. Kind of surprising that Sonic is still on the PS3 chart -- not like we've really got much else to look at recently. That'll change soon, we hope and/or surmise. What about all of you? Been renting a couple of those listed here?"


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