
XBOX360 Cheap Wireless

XBOX360 Cheap Wireless: "It is a tradition amongst console manufacturers to complete system functionality through official accessories at prohibiting prices. Microsoft’s XBOX360 isn’t an exception, though we will teach you in this article how to bypass and cut the costs of getting the official wireless adapter.

It is worth noting beforehand that common USB Wireless Adapters won’t work due to their nature, which requires drivers to function properly, and the XBOX360 only features drivers to its own official adapter.

But don’t lose hope. The console does feature a standard Ethernet port in the back panel, and is compatible with virtually any network equipment in the store shelves. This gives us a wide array of choices but remember, our mission is to save money so getting overpriced “Network Gaming Adapters” doesn’t really fit what we have in mind.

We will describe you in the following pages how you can wirelessly connect two routers in the same network, so that one can act as wireless adapter for the XBOX360 and being the other your regular main router."


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