
Universal HD DVD, Blu-ray Disc Player from LG On Sale

They said it couldn't be done; they (Toshiba and Sony) said the HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc forums won't approve a universal player that can read both formats because each spec prohibits a device that can read the other format. But today, the first universal high-definition player has gone on sale.

Only two weeks after LG announced it at CES, the company has shipped to retailers its BH100 high definition player, which can output up to 1080p resolution from HD DVD, Blu-ray Disc movies and standard-definition DVDs. The device doesn't spot a HD DVD logo because it lacks one of the technologies --the interactive High Definition (iHD) that is part of the HD DVD standard.

In addition, the device costs ($1,199.99) more than the price of a standalone HD DVD player and a PS3 combined. However, neither of those shortcomings should deny the fact that this is the first universal HD player. Hopefully, other manufacturers will follow LG's steps.

The LG BH100 player can be purchased at Best Buy stores or online at this page. More...


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