
IGN: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Preview

The swing tracking is very accurate for drives and approach shots, and I found myself interlocking my fingers on the Wiimote, trying to get a traditional golf grip. Here's how the controls break down:

To swing, hold down B and make a golf swing. It's that simple. Like in other versions of Tiger, if you don't take the club back all the way, you will have less power on your shot. Unlike in other version, power is controlled by the speed of your downswing. The faster you swing, the farther it goes. Of course, if you push your downswing left or right, you're very likely to dig your Nike ball out of the bushes.

Once the ball is in the air, you induce spin by tapping the D-pad and shaking the Wiimote. The wrist strap is recommended here. To fade or draw the ball, you simply open or close the club face, respectively. Since the club face is really the Wiimote, you rotate it so the A button is facing the screen or facing away from the screen. Then take a natural swing and admire your physics-defying spin.

IGN: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Preview


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