Best Buy Mole: No PS3 Replacement Plan, No Employee Discount
A mole deep inside the belly of the blue beast that is Best Buy sends word that even employees must shell out full price. For shits and giggles, he/she/it entered the PS3 SKU, and the new console came up as "PS3 Hardware Pro" for US $599.99 plus tax. Our mole continues:
And the kicker? The mole added his/her/its employee discount and turned up nothing. "Not even a penny," the mole adds.I noticed that there is no Replacement Plan offered on the PS3. Either the PS3 is too expensive, or they haven't gotten it yet. I say both of these because we actually had to create a new SKU for the Replacement Plan for the Premium 360 ($50 plan; never existed before). So they probably have to create a new Replacement Plan SKU for the "Core" and "Premium" PS3 packages.
Come now, we don't get a discount on the systems anyhow, heck, even my Nintendo DS came up at full price... As for the PRP/PSP, I'm sure something will be worked out... Doesn't the 360 have to be sent into Microsoft to get repaired? (*Unsure of this detail, but I don't think we service them ourselves anyways*)
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